serverStatus command


serverStatus command

Use the serverStatus command to obtain the status of one or all of the servers configured on a node. For more information about where to run this command, see the Using command line tools article.


The command syntax is as follows:

serverStatus <server>|-all [options]
The first argument is required. The argument is either the name of the server for which status is desired, or the -all keyword which requests status for all servers defined on the node.


The following options are available for the serverStatus command:


Suppresses the progress information that the serverStatus command prints in normal mode.

-logfile <fileName>

The location of the log file to which information gets written.


Defines the profile of the Application Server process in a multi-profile installation. The -profileName option is not required for running in a single profile environment. The default for this option is the default profile.


Replaces the log file instead of appending to the current log.


Generates trace information into a file for debugging purposes.

-username <name>

The user name for authentication if security is enabled. Acts the same as the -user option.

-user <name>

The user name for authentication if security is enabled. Acts the same as the -username option.

-password <password>

The password for authentication if security is enabled.


Prints a usage statement.


Prints a usage statement.

Usage scenario

The following examples demonstrate correct syntax:

serverStatus server1

serverStatus -all (returns status for all defined servers)

serverStatus -trace (produces the serverStatus.log file)

serverStatus mytest -profileName mytest (displays the status of server mytest configured under profile mytest)