Why use Tivoli Performance Viewer?

Why use Tivoli Performance Viewer?

The Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV) enables administrators and programmers to monitor the overall health of WebSphere Application Server without leaving the administrative console.

From TPV, you can view current activity or log Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) performance data for the following:

In addition to providing a built in viewer for PMI, TPV also allows you to view data for other products or customer applications that implement custom PMI. For more information on custom PMI, refer to Enabling PMI data collection.

By providing the ability to look at this data, administrators can determine which part of the application to focus on to improve performance and what configuration settings to change to improve performance. For example, in order to determine what part of the application to focus on, you can view the summary charts for servlets, enterprise beans and EJB methods, and sort these tables to determine which of these resources has the highest response time. You can then focus on improving the code path for those application resources taking the longest response time.

Likewise, you can look at the Tivoli Performance Viewer to help manage configuration settings through viewing the various graphs or using the Tivoli Performance Advisor. For example, by looking at the summary chart for thread pools, you can determine whether the thread pools need to be increased or decreased in size by monitoring the percent (%) usage. After configuration settings are changed based on that data, you can look at these views to determine the effectiveness of the changes. To help with configuration settings, the Tivoli Performance Viewer also provides an Advisor. The Advisor looks at various data while your application is running and provides advice on WebSphere configuration settings to change for improved performance.

Note: In Version 4.0, Tivoli Performance Viewer was originally named the Resource Analyzer. In Version 5.0, TPV was a standalone Java application. In Versions 6.0.x and later, TPV is embedded in the administrative console.

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Monitoring performance with Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV)

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