Troubleshooting Web services security is best done by reviewing the configurations with assembly tools so that you can match up the client and server request and the response configurations. These configurations must match. A client request sender configuration must match a server request receiver configuration. For encryption to successfully occur, the public key of the receiver must be exported to the sender and this key must be configured properly in the encryption information. For authentication, specify the method used by the client in the login mapping of the server. Also, correctly specify the actor URI at each point in the configuration with the same URI string. The following includes a list of generic troubleshooting steps that you can perform. A listing of specific symptoms and solutions is provided after these steps. Steps for this task :
Type the previous three lines as one continuous line.
Symptom: CWWSI5061E: The SOAP Body is not signed
Solution: This error usually occurs whenever the SOAP security handler does not load properly, and does not sign the SOAP body not to be signed. The SOAP security handler is typically the first validation that occurs on the server-side, so a multitude of problems can cause this message to display. The error might be caused by invalid actor URI configurations. You can configure the actor Universal Resource Identifier (URI) at the following locations within the assembly tool: From the Web services client editor within the assembly tool for client configurations:
From the Web Services Editor within the assembly tool for server configurations:
The actor information on both the client and the server must refer to the same string. When the actor fields on the client and the server match, the request or response is acted upon instead of being forwarded downstream. The actor fields might be different when you have Web services acting as a gateway to other Web services. However, in all other cases, verify that the actor information matches on the client and server. When the Web services implementation is acting as a gateway and it does not have the same actor configured as the request passing through the gateway, this Web services implementation does not process the message from the client. Instead, it sends the request downstream. The downstream process that contains the correct actor string processes the request. The same situation occurs for the response. Therefore, it is important that you verify that the appropriate client and server actor fields are synchronized.
Additionally, the error can appear when you do not specify that the body is signed in the client configuration. To sign the body part of the message using the Web service client editor in the assembly tool, click Security Extensions > Request Sender Configuration > Integrity and select the message parts to sign.
Solution: Verify that the client and server login configuration information matches in the security extensions. Also, verify that the client has a valid login binding and that the server has a valid login mapping in the security bindings. You can check this information by looking at the following locations in the assembly tool: From the Web services client editor within the assembly tool for client configurations:
From the Web Services Editor within the assembly tool for server configurations:
Also, make sure that the actor URI specified on the client and server matches. You can configure the actor URI at the following locations within the assembly tool: From the Web services client editor within the assembly tool for client configurations:
From the Web services editor within the assembly tool for server configurations:
To configure the server for identity assertion, see:
Solution: This situation occurs because a login configuration is not being configured or Web services Security is not configured from a client to a server. When the request arrives at the server and authentication information is not received, the UNAUTHENTICATED user is set on the thread. Authorization returns this error if there are any roles assigned to the resource except for the special "Everyone" role, which supports access by anyone. If the client successfully authenticates to an EJB file but the EJB file calls a downstream Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) file that is not configured with Web services security or transport security, such as HTTP user ID and password, an error can occur for this downstream request. Using the assembly tool, verify that the enterprise archive (EAR) file for both client and server has the correct security extensions and security bindings. For more information, see:
Related tasks
Configuring the client for identity assertion: specifying the method
Configuring the client for identity assertion: collecting the authentication method
Configuring the server to handle identity assertion authentication
Configuring the server to validate identity assertion authentication information
Configuring the client security bindings using an assembly tool
Configuring the security bindings on a server acting as a client using the administrative console
Configuring the server security bindings using an assembly tool
Configuring the server security bindings using the administrative console
Troubleshooting by task
Related reference
Troubleshoot the installation