WebSphere relational resource adapter settings


WebSphere relational resource adapter settings

Use this page to view the settings of the WebSphere relational resource adapter. This adapter is preinstalled in the product to provide access to relational databases.

Restriction: Although the default relational resource adapter settings are viewable, you cannot make changes to them.

To view this administrative console page, click Resources > Resource Adapters > WebSphere Relational Resource Adapter.

Configuration tab


The name of the resource provider.

Data type String


Specifies a description of the relational resource adapter.

Data type String

Archive path

The path to the Resource Adapter Archive (RAR) file containing the module for this resource adapter.

Data type String

Class path

Specifies a list of paths or Java Archive (JAR) file names, which together form the location for the resource provider classes.

Data type String

Native path

Specifies a list of paths that forms the location for the resource provider native libraries.

Data type String

Related concepts

Resource adapter

Related tasks

Task overview: Accessing data from applications