Ways to update application files


Ways to update application files

You can update application files deployed on a server or cluster in several ways.

Table 1. Ways to update application files
Option Method Comments Starting after update
Administrative console update wizard

See Updating applications.

Briefly, do the following:

  1. Go to the Enterprise Applications page. Click Applications > Enterprise Applications in the console navigation tree.

  2. Select the application to update and click Update .

  3. On the Preparing for application update page, identify the application, module or files to update and click Next .

  4. Complete steps in the update wizard and click Finish .
On the Preparing for application update page:

  • Use Full application to update an .ear file.

  • Use Single module to update a .war, enterprise bean .jar, or connector .rar file.

  • Use Single file to update a file other than an .ear, .war, EJB .jar, or .rar file.

  • Use Partial application to update or remove multiple files.

On the Enterprise Applications page, select the updated application and click Start .
wsadmin scripts Invoke AdminApp object install commands with the -update option in a script or at a command prompt. Getting started with scripting provides an overview of wsadmin. Invoke the wsadmin startApplication command.
Java application programming interfaces

See Using administrative programs (JMX).

Update deployed applications by completing the steps in Managing applications through programming. Update an application in the following ways:

  • Update the entire application

  • Add to, update or delete multiple files in an application

  • Add a module to an application

  • Update a module in an application

  • Delete a module in an application

  • Add a file to an application

  • Update a file in an application

  • Delete a file in an application

Start the application by either of the following methods:

WebSphere rapid deployment

Refer to articles under Rapid deployment of J2EE applications in this information center.

Briefly, do the following:

  1. Update your J2EE application files.

  2. Set up the rapid deployment environment.

  3. Create a free-form project.

  4. Launch a rapid deployment session.

  5. Drop your updated application files into the free-form project.
WebSphere rapid deployment offers the following advantages:

  • You do not need to assemble your J2EE application files prior to deployment.

  • You do not need to use other installation tools mentioned in this table to deploy the files.

Use any of the above options to start the application. Clicking Start on the Enterprise Applications page is the easiest option.
Hot deployment and dynamic reloading Briefly, do the following:

  1. Update your application (.ear), Web module (.war), enterprise bean .jar or HTTP plug-in configuration file.

  2. Follow instructions in Hot deployment and dynamic reloading to update your file.
If you are new to WebSphere Application Server, use the administrative console to update applications. That option is easier.

Hot deployment and dynamic reloading is more difficult to complete. You must directly manipulate the application or module file on the server where the application is deployed.

Use any of the above options to start the application. Clicking Start on the Enterprise Applications page is the easiest option.

You can update .ear, enterprise bean .jar, Web module .war, connector .rar, application client .jar, and any other files used by an installed application.

If the application is updated while it is running, WebSphere Application Server automatically stops the application, updates the application logic and restarts the application. If the application does not start automatically, start it manually using one of the Starting options.

Related concepts
Updating applications

Related tasks
Managing applications through programming