WSDL document, creating a WSIF service, using the service to get a WSIF operation, then invoking the target Web service by providing the WSIF operation with the name of the target service operation, and the message that it needs.">
The components of this architecture include:
WSDL document
The Web service WSDL document contains the location of the Web service.
The binding document defines the protocol and format for operations and messages defined by a particular portType.
WSIF service
The WSIFService interface is responsible for generating an instance of the WSIFOperation interface to use for a particular invocation of a service operation. For more information, see Finding a port factory or service.
WSIF operation
The run-time representation of an operation, called WSIFOperation is responsible for invoking a service based on a particular binding. For more information, see WSIF API reference: Using ports.
WSIF provider
A WSIF provider is an implementation of a WSDL binding that can run a WSDL operation through a binding-specific protocol. WSIF includes SOAP providers, JMS providers, Java providers and EJB providers. For more information, see Using the WSIF providers.