The WASPreUpgrade script
The WASPreUpgrade script migrates the configuration and applications of previous WebSphere Application Server versions to a Version 6.0 application server node.
This script is available in WebSphere Application Server (Express and Base) and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.
To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.
The syntax of the WASPreUpgrade script is:
WASPreUpgrade backupDirectory currentWASDirectory [ administrationNodeName ] [ -nameServiceHost host_name [ -nameServicePort port_number ] ] [ -import xmiDataFile ] [ -traceString trace_spec [ -traceFile file_name ] ]Parameters
The parameters of the WASPreUpgrade script are:
- backupDirectory
This is a required parameter and must be the first parameter that you specify. The value backupDirectory specifies the name of the directory where the script stores the saved configuration and files. This is also the directory from which the WASPostUpgrade tool reads the configuration and files. For example, if you are migrating a configuration from WebSphere Application Server Version 4, you could specify the /home/was4_instancename/backup directory. If the directory does not exist, the WASPreUpgrade script creates it.- currentWASDirectory
This is a required parameter and must be the second parameter that you specify. The value currentWASDirectory specifies the name of the instance root directory for the Version 4.0.x, 5.0.x, 5.1.x, 5.0.x Express, or 5.1.x Express instance that you want to migrate. This can be any edition of WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.x, 5.0.x, 5.1.x, 5.0.x Express, or 5.1.x Express. In these examples, instance is the name of the instance that you want to migrate:
- For Version 4.0.x Advanced Edition: /QIBM/UserData/WebASAdv4/instance
- For Version 4.0.x Advanced Single Server Edition: /QIBM/UserData/WebASAEs4/instance
- For Version 5.0.x (Base): /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/instance
- For Version 5.0.x Network Deployment: /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/ND/instance
- For Version 5.0.x Express: /QIBM/UserData/WebASE/ASE5/instance
- For Version 5.1.x (Base): /QIBM/UserData/WebAS51/Base/instance
- For Version 5.1.x Network Deployment: /QIBM/UserData/WebAS51/ND/instance
- For Version 5.1.x Express: /QIBM/UserData/WebASE51/ASE/instance
- administrationNodeName
If you are migrating from WebSphere Application Server Advanced Edition, Version 4.0.x, this parameter is required and must be the third parameter that you specify. The value administrationNodeName specifies the name of the node that contains the administrative server for the previous version of the product. The value of this argument is case-sensitive and must match the node name given in the topology tree on the Topology tab of the administrative console for the previous version. The WASPreUpgrade tool uses this parameter to call the XMLConfig tool.- -nameServiceHost
This is a required parameter if you are migrating from WebSphere Application Server Advanced Edition Version 4.0.x. The value host_name specifies the TCP/IP host name of the iSeries server. If you do not specify this parameter, the default host name is localhost.- -nameServicePort
This is a required parameter if you are migrating from WebSphere Application Server Advanced Edition, Version 4.0.x. The value port_number specifies specifies the bootstrap port for the administrative server for the instance from which you are migrating. If you do not specify this parameter, the default value is 900.- -import
This is an optional parameter. The value xmiDataFile specifies the name of the WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single Server Edition, Version 4 XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) configuration file to process. The default value is backupDirectory/config/server-cfg.xml, where backupDirectory is the value specified for the backupDirectory parameter.If you are migrating a configuration that does not use the default server-cfg.xml file, include the -import to specify the fully-qualified name of the configuration file.
This parameter is only valid when upgrading from WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single Server Edition, Version 4
- -traceString
This is an optional parameter. The value trace_spec specifies the trace information that you want to collect. To gather all trace information, specify "*=all=enabled" (with quotation marks). The default is to not gather trace information. If you specify this parameter, also specify the -traceFile parameter.- -traceFile
This is an optional parameter. The value trace_file specifies the name of the output file for trace information. If you specify the -traceString parameter but do not specify the -traceFile parameter, the script does not generate a trace file.
The WASPreUpgrade tool displays status to the screen while it is running. It also saves a more extensive set of logging information in the WASPreUpgrade.log file. This file is located in the backupDirectory directory, where backupDirectory is the value specified for the backupDirectory parameter.
The WASPreUpgrade script uses the XMLConfig script to export configuration data from WebSphere Application Server Version 4 (Advanced Edition). If WebSphere security is enabled, ensure that the properties are configured properly in the sas.client.props property file for the Version 4 instance before running the WASPreUpgrade script or the script fails when it attempts to invoke the XMLConfig script. The following section in the Version 4 product information describe how to configure the sas.client.props property file. Follow the instructions that describe how to configure automatic authentication:
- Version 4.0 Advanced Edition: Authenticate to the administrative server
Migrated resources
WASPreUpgrade migrates all of your resources and applications, but does not migrate entities in your classes directory.
Migration saves the following files in the backup directory.
- For Version 5.x:
- config
- installableApps
- installedApps
- properties
- For Version 4.0.x:
- bin/setupCmdLine
- config
- installableApps
- installedApps (by default unless overriden within a specified developer configuration file)
- installedConnectors (Version 4.x Advanced Edition only)
- properties
Migrate from a WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x (Base) node to Version 6.0 (Base)
This example illustrates how to migrate from WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x (Base) to Version 6.0 (Base). The backup directory is named /home/was60migration/WAS51Base, the instance root of the previous version is /QIBM/UserData/WebAS51/Base/default, and the instance name is default.
WASPreUpgrade /home/was60migration/WAS51Base /QIBM/UserData/WebAS51/Base/defaultMigrate from WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.x, Advanced Edition
This example illustrates how to migrate from WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.x, Advanced Edition. The backup directory is named /home/was60migration/WAS40Adv, and the instance root of the previous version is /QIBM/UserData/WebASAdv4/default. The administrative server is contained in the node MYISERIES.
WASPreUpgrade /home/was60migration/WAS40Adv /QIBM/UserData/WebASAdv4/default MYISERIES