Variable settings


Variable settings

Use this page to define the name and value of a WebSphere Application Server substitution variable.

To view this administrative console page, click Environment > WebSphere
Variables >

Configuration tab


The symbolic name for a WebSphere Application Server variable. For example, a variable name might represent a physical path or URL root that is used by WebSphere Application Server. WebSphere variables are used for:

  • Configuring WebSphere Application Server path names, such as LOG_ROOT, and APP_INSTALL_ROOT.

  • Configuring certain cell-wide customization values.

WebSphere Application Server substitutes the symbolic name wherever its value displays in the system.

For example, LOG_ROOT is the symbolic name representing the file system path under which to store log files for your WebSphere Application Server profile. By default, the value is ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/logs. ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT} is another pre-defined variable which is set to profile_root.

You can create new variables for use in WebSphere Application Server components that support the use of variables.

Data type String


The value that the symbolic name represents. For example, ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/logs is the default value for variable LOG_ROOT on all platforms.

Data type String


Documents the purpose of a variable.

Data type String