The WebSphere administrative (wsadmin) scripting program is a powerful,
non-graphical command interpreter environment enabling you to run administrative operations in a scripting language. The wsadmin tool is intended for production environments and unattended operations. You can use the wsadmin tool to perform the same tasks that you can perform using the administrative console.
The following list highlights the topics and tasks available with scripting:
(dependent on configuration)
Getting started with scripting Provides an introduction to WebSphere Application Server scripting and information about using the wsadmin tool. Topics include information about the scripting languages and the scripting objects, and instructions for starting the wsadmin tool.
Deploying applications Provides instructions for deploying and uninstalling applications. For example, stand-alone Java archive files and Web archive files, the administrative console, remote Enterprise Archive (EAR) files,
file transfer applications, and so on.
Managing deployed applications Includes tasks that you perform after the application is deployed. For example, starting and stopping applications,
checking status, modifying listener address ports, querying application state,
configuring a shared library, and so on.
Configuring servers Provides instructions for configuring servers, such as creating a server, modifying and restarting the server, configuring the Java virtual machine, disabling a component, disabling a service, and so on.
Managing servers Includes tasks that you use to manage servers. For example, stopping nodes, starting and stopping servers, querying a server state, starting a listener port, and so on.
Configuring data access Includes topics such as configuring a Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) provider, defining a data source, configuring connection pools, and so on.
Configuring messaging Includes topics about messaging, such as Java Message Service (JMS) connection, JMS provider, WebSphere queue connection factory, MQ topics, and so on.
Configuring mail, URLs, and resource environment entries Includes topics such as mail providers, mail sessions, protocols, resource environment providers,
referenceables, URL providers, URLs, and so on.
Provides information about how to troubleshoot using scripting. For example, tracing, thread dumps, profiles, and so on.
Scripting reference material Includes all of the reference material related to scripting. Topics include the syntax for the wsadmin tool and for the administrative command framework, explanations and examples for all of the scripting object commands, the scripting properties, and so on.