UDDI node miscellaneous


UDDI node miscellaneous

This topic contains details of the miscellaneous settings that you can configure for a UDDI node.

To view this administrative console page, click UDDI > UDDI Nodes > UDDI_node_id > Miscellaneous .

Node generates discoveryURLs

Defines whether the UDDI node generates discoveryURLs.

Node supports HTTP Get Service

Specifies if the UDDI node supports an HTTP GET service for access to the XML representations of UDDI data structures.

URL prefix for V3 GET servlet

The URL prefix for the UDDI version 3 GET servlet

The prefix for the URL to the GET servlet used to retrieve the XML representation of a published entity. When a businessEntity is published, if the policy for
Node Discovery URLs is set to true, the discoveryURL value is generated based on the prefix value. Otherwise, the discoveryURL value will be empty.

The UDDI Version 3 specification recommends that discoveryURLs are not generated as they can affect the use of digital signatures. If you do enable generation of discoveryURLs, it is recommended that the URL prefix is not changed after the point at which the policy to enable generation of discoveryURLs is enabled. Not doing so will mean discoveryURLs generated using the earlier URL prefix would no longer work.

Data type URL
Default http://localhost:9080/uddiv3soap/

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