UDDI Registry SOAP Service End Points


UDDI Registry SOAP Service End Points

UDDI Version 3 supports multiple versions and, depending on WebSphere Application Server security settings and UDDI SOAP service user data constraint transport guarantee settings, supports different end points for different services.

The default context root and URL values listed in this topic apply when you have enabled WebSphere Application Server security and have not changed the default supplied security settings. If you use a non default security set up, the context root and URL values may differ (see Configuring UDDI Registry security for more information about the various security settings).

Version 1 and Version 2 SOAP API services

Inquiry service

Default (soap.war) context-root='/uddisoap' and url-pattern = 'inquiryAPI' or 'inquiryapi'.

Default URL: http://hostname:9080/uddisoap/inquiryapi

Publish service

Default (soap.war) context-root='/uddisoap' and url-pattern = 'publishAPI' or 'publishapi'.

Default URL: https://hostname:9443/uddisoap/publishapi or http://hostname:9080/uddisoap/publishapi

Version 3 SOAP API services

Inquiry service

Default (soap.war) context-root='/uddiv3soap' and url-pattern = '/services/UDDI_Inquiry_Port'

Default URL: http://hostname:9080/uddiv3soap/services/UDDI_Inquiry_Port

Publish service

Default (soap.war) context-root='/uddiv3soap' and url-pattern = '/services/UDDI_Publish_Port'

Default URL: https://hostname:9443/uddiv3soap/services/UDDI_Publish_Port or http://hostname:9080/uddiv3soap/services/UDDI_Publish_Port

Custody transfer service

Default (soap.war) context-root='/uddiv3soap' and url-pattern = '/services/UDDI_Custody_Port'

Default URL: https://hostname:9443/uddiv3soap/services/UDDI_Custody_Port or http://hostname:9080/uddiv3soap/services/UDDI_Custody_Port

Security service

Default (soap.war) context-root='/uddiv3soap' and url-pattern = '/services/UDDI_Security_Port'

Default URL: https://hostname:9443/uddiv3soap/services/UDDI_Security_Port or http://hostname:9080/uddiv3soap/services/UDDI_Security_Port

There is also an endpoint for using HTTP GET to return XML representations of UDDI entities, described in HTTP GET Services for UDDI Registry data structures.

Additional information

If you configure the UDDI Registry to use WebSphere Application Server security, and you do not change the default data confidentiality settings for the UDDI SOAP service, then services with security default end point URLs with HTTPS and port 9443 require their data to be transported confidentially. Requests that are not using HTTPS will be rejected.

If you configure the UDDI Registry to use WebSphere Application Server security and you change the data confidentiality setting for the UDDI SOAP service to NONE, or you disable WebSphere Application Server security, then services with default end point URLs with HTTPS and port 9443 can also use HTTP and port 9080.

To understand how access to the SOAP APIs is protected, see Access Control for UDDI Registry Interfaces.

Programming the SOAP API
Related tasks
Configuring the UDDI Registry to use WebSphere Application Server security
Configuring UDDI Security with WebSphere Application Server security disabled