Use this information to configure trust identity (ID) evaluators. To view this administrative console page for trusted ID evaluators on the cell level, complete the following steps:
Important: Trusted ID evaluators are only required for the request receiver (Version 5.x applications) and the request consumer (Version 6.x applications), if identity assertion is configured. You can specify one of the following options:
The name that is used by the application binding to refer to a trusted identity (ID) evaluator that is defined in the default binding.
The class name of the trusted ID evaluator.
The specified trusted ID evaluator class name must implement the interface. The default TrustedIDEvaluator class is When you use this default TrustedIDEvaluator class, specify the name and the value properties for the default trusted ID evaluator to create the trusted ID list for evaluation. To specify the name and value properties, complete the following steps:
property name="trustedId_0", value="CN=Bob,O=ACME,C=US"
property name="trustedId_1", value="user1"
If a distinguished name (DN) is used, the space is removed for comparison.
Default | |
See the programming model information in the documentation for an explanation of how to implement the interface.
Related reference
Trusted ID evaluator collection