Complete the steps below to resolve problems that you think are related to the dynamic cache service.
DYNA0030E: "property" element is missing required attribute "name".
DYNA0030E: "property" element is missing required attribute "name". Explanation: A required attribute was missing in the cache configuration. User Action: Add the required attribute to your cache configuration file.
This explanation and user action suggests that you can fix the problem by adding or correcting a required attribute in the cache configuration file.
On distributed platforms, you can use the collector tool (collector.bat or located in the bin directory) to gather trace information and other configuration information for the support team to diagnose the problem. The collector tool gathers dynamic cache service files and packages them into a JAR file. The IBM representative can specify when and where to send the JAR file.
The IBM representative might ask you to complete a diagnostic trace. To enable tracing in the administrative console, click Troubleshooting > Logs and trace > server_name > Diagnostic trace and specify Enable trace with the following specification . The IBM representative can tell you what trace specification to enter. Note that dynamic cache trace files can become large in a short period of time; you can limit the size of the trace file by starting the trace, immediately recreating the problem, and immediately stopping the trace.
For current information available from IBM Support on known problems and their resolution, see the IBM Support page.
For technical support on dynamic cache service, see the IBM Support page.
Related tasks
Task overview: Using the dynamic cache service to improve performance
Related information
Cache monitor