This topic describes common problems in configuring single sign-on (SSO) between a WebSphere Application Server and a Domino server and suggests possible solutions.
The client must find Domino server documents for the participating SSO Domino servers. The Web SSO configuration document is encrypted for the servers that you specify. The home server that is indicated by the client location record must point to a server in the Domino domain where the participating servers reside. This pointer ensures that lookups can find the public keys of the servers.
If you receive a message stating that one or more of the participating Domino servers cannot be found, then those servers cannot decrypt the Web SSO configuration document or perform SSO.
When the Web SSO configuration document is saved, the status bar indicates how many public keys are used to encrypt the document by finding the listed servers, authors, and administrators in the document.
During configuration of SSO, the server document is configured for Multi-Server in the Session Authentication field. The Domino HTTP server tries to find and load a Web SSO configuration document during startup. The Domino server console reports the following information if a valid document is found and decrypted: HTTP: Successfully loaded Web SSO Configuration.
If a server cannot load the Web SSO configuration document, SSO does not work. In this case, a server reports the following message: HTTP: Error Loading Web SSO configuration. Reverting to single-server session authentication.
Verify that only one Web SSO configuration document is in the Web configurations view of the Domino directory and in the $WebSSOConfigs hidden view. You cannot create more than one document, but you can insert additional documents during replication.
If you can verify only one Web SSO configuration document, consider another condition. When the public key of the server document does not match the public key in the ID file, this same error message can display. In this case, attempts to decrypt the Web SSO configuration document fail and the error message is generated.
This situation can occur when the ID file is created multiple times, but the Server document is not updated correctly. Usually, an error message is displayed on the Domino server console stating that the public key does not match the server ID. If this situation occurs, SSO does not work because the document is encrypted with a public key for which the server does not possess the corresponding private key.
To correct a key-mismatch problem:
If a Web user is repeatedly prompted for a user ID and password, SSO is not working because either the Domino or the WebSphere Application Server security server cannot authenticate the user with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server. Check the following possibilities:
You can use the OS/400 Qshell, a UNIX shell,or a Windows DOS prompt
% ldapsearch -D "cn=John Doe, ou=Rochester, o=IBM, c=US" -w mypassword -h -p 389 -b "ou=Rochester, o=IBM, c=US" (objectclass=*)The percent character (%) indicates the prompt and is not part of the command. A list of directory entries is expected. Possible error conditions and causes are contained in the following list:
Additionally, the rules that are defined in the Directory assistance document must refer to the base distinguished name (DN) of the directory that contains the directory entries of the users.
You can trace Domino server requests to the LDAP server by adding the following line to the server notes.ini file:
webauth_verbose_trace=1After restarting the Domino server, trace messages are displayed in the Domino server console as Web users attempt to authenticate to the Domino server.
After authenticating successfully, if an authorization error messageis displayed, security is not configured correctly. Check the following possibilities:
If a Web user is prompted to authenticate with each resource, SSO is not configured correctly. Check the following possibilities: