You can trace the Web services run-time components, including an unmanaged client, a managed client and a server application. The procedure entry and exit, as well as the processing actions are traceable in the run-time components. You can also trace user-defined exceptions, as well as SOAP messages that use Java Message Service (JMS) or HTTP to request Web services.
The*=all=enabled specification traces the Web services run time only. See step 4 for settings that you can use to trace user-defined exceptions and SOAP messages or review Tracing SOAP messages with tcpmon to learn about tracing SOAP messages with the tcpmon process.
The following tasks describe how you can enable trace for Web services:*=all=enabled
-CCtracefile=traceFileName For example:
%install_root%\bin\launchClient MyAppClient.ear*=all=enabled -CCtracefile=myAppClient.trcSee launchClient tool for more information. engine.Message=finest
This specification traces the contents of a SOAP message, including the binary attachment data. When the context-type of the SOAP message is not text and xml, the message probably contains attachments. In this case, the message is displayed in the trace file in the hex dump format. The following example illustrates a line in the hex dump format for non-text SOAP messages:
0000: 0D 0A 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D - 3D 5F 50 61 72 74 5F 36 ..------=_Part_6
You can trace all Web services information, including the SOAP messages and the user-defined exceptions, with this setting.
The user-defined exceptions are not logged by default. A user-defined exception is an exception that is defined in the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file for an operation.
A user-defined exception often indicates an error-free condition. For example, the user-defined OverdrawnException exception, can occur for the service endpoint implementation of the makeWithdrawl method. This exception indicates an expected condition and does not indicate an error in the service endpoint implementation. Because these types of exceptions can occur during normal processing, they are not logged by default. When a user-defined exception is logged, the information is sent to the trace.log file and not to the SystemOut.log file. You can also use the following trace strings to enable tracing for user-defined exceptions, as well as other trace points:
Turns on all Web services run-time trace logs.
Turns on MessageTrace and UserExceptionTrace.
ResultYou have enabled trace for the unmanaged clients, managed clients, and the server applications. Depending on the trace string specification, the trace can include run-time components, user-defined exceptions and SOAP messages.
Related tasks
Troubleshooting Web services
Tracing SOAP messages with tcpmon