Token generator collection


Token generator collection

Use this page to view the token generators. The information is used on the generator side only to generate the security token. To view this administrative console page for the cell level, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Security > Web services .

  2. Under Default generator bindings, click Token generators .
To view this administrative console page for the server level, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Servers > Application servers > server_name.

  2. Under Security, click Web services: Default bindings for Web services security .

  3. Under Default generator bindings, click Token generators .

Token generator name

The name of the token generator configuration.

Token generator class name

The name of the token generator implementation class.

This class must implement the interface.

Related reference
Token consumer collection
Token consumer configuration settings
Token generator configuration settings

Searchable topic ID: uwbs_tokengenerator