Tier collection


Tier collection

This topic contains a list of the available tiers for the UDDI node. You can also create new tiers and delete tiers from this page.

To view this administrative console page, click UDDI > UDDI Nodes > UDDI_node_id > Tiers .

This page shows the available tiers for the UDDI node. Clicking a tier name will show the General Properties for the specific tier as detailed in Tier settings. To delete a Tier from the list, select the relevant name and click Delete. Clicking New will take you to the General Properties page with the same properties as described in Tier settings.

One of the tiers in the collection will be marked as the default tier, indicated by (default) appearing next to the tier's name. The default tier will be assigned to UDDI publishers that are registered automatically when automatic user registration is turned on. To set the default tier, select the appropriate tier in the collection and press the Set default button. Note that it is not possible to delete a tier if it is currently marked as the default tier, or it is currently assigned to a UDDI publisher.


The name of the tier.


User supplied descriptive text about the tier.


UDDI Tier settings

Related information
Administrative console buttons
Administrative console page features

Searchable topic ID: uwsu_np_tiercoll