Step 5: Verifying

Step 5: Verify the installation

You can verify your WebSphere Application Server installation by invoking a verification script or by invoking example browser-based applications.

Select a verification method.

Run the install verification script

To verify the installation of WebSphere Application Server, call the ivt script from Qshell with these steps:

  1. Run the Start Qshell command (STRQSH) on the CL command line.

  2. From the Qshell prompt, run the ivt script to verify the internal HTTP instance:
      /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/edition/bin/ivt server1 default

    where edition is Base for WebSphere Application Server Express and WebSphere Application Server, and ND for WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.

    If the script runs successfully, the following message is displayed. Note that this example is for WebSphere Application Server. If you install WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, the paths are /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/ND/profiles.

       Server name is:server1
       Profile name is:default    Profile home is:/QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/default    Profile type is:default    Cell name is:MYISERIESCell    Node name is:MYISERIES
       Current encoding is:ISO8859_1
       Server port number is:9080
       IVTL0015I: WebSphere Application Server MYISERIES is running on port 9080 for    profile default    IVTL0010I: Connecting to the WebSphere Application Server MYISERIES on port: 9080
       IVTL0015I: WebSphere Application Server MYISERIES is running on port 9080 for    profile default    IVTL0015I: WebSphere Application Server MYISERIES is running on port 9080 for    profile default    Testing server using the following URL:http://MYISERIES:9080/ivt/ivtserver?par    m2=ivtservlet    IVTL0050I: Servlet Engine Verification Status - Passed    Testing server using the following URL:http://MYISERIES:9080/ivt/ivtserver?par    m2=ivtAddition.jsp    IVTL0055I: JSP Verification Status - Passed    Testing server using the following URL:http://MYISERIES:9080/ivt/ivtserver?par    m2=ivtejb    IVTL0060I: EJB Verification Status - Passed    IVTL0035I: Scanning the file /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/Base/profile    s/default/logs/server1/SystemOut.log for errors and warnings    IVTL0040I: 0 errors/warnings were detected in the file /QIBM/UserData/WebSphe    re/AppServer/V6/Base/profiles/default/logs/server1/SystemOut.log    IVTL0080I: Installation Verification is complete 

Run a sample application

To call an example browser-based application to verify the installation, perform these steps:

  1. If WebSphere Application Server is not already running, see Start Websphere Application Server.

  2. Verify the internal HTTP transport
    Open this URL in your browser (the URL is case-sensitive; the capitalization must be consistent):

    where is the name of your iSeries server. Port 9080 is the default internal HTTP port. If you see something similar to the image below, WebSphere Application Server has been set up successfully to run using the internal HTTP server.

    hitcount example application

  3. Verify the external HTTP server
    Open this URL in your browser (the URL is case-sensitive; the capitalization must be consistent):

    where is the name of your iSeries server. Port 80 is the default port for the application server's external HTTP server. If your HTTP server instance uses a different port, specify the appropriate port number. If you see something similar to the image above, WebSphere Application Server has been set up successfully to run using the configured Web server.

You can also run sample Web applications that are included with WebSphere Application Server. For information about running these sample applications, see the WebSphere samples gallery.

You have completed the installation and inital configuration