Before starting this task, the wsadmin tool must be running. See the Starting the wsadmin scripting client article for more information.
Perform the following steps to specify running objects:
set var [$AdminControl completeObjectName template]
var = AdminControl.completeObjectName(template)
set | is a Jacl command |
var | is a variable name |
$ | is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value |
AdminControl | is an object that enables the manipulation of MBeans running in a WebSphere server process |
completeObjectName | is an AdminControl command |
template | is a string containing a segment of the object name to be matched. The template has the same format as an object name with the following pattern: [domainName]:property=value[,property=value]*. See Object name, Attribute, Attribute list for more information. |
If there are several MBeans that match the template, the completeObjectName command only retuns the first match. The matching MBean object name is then assigned to a variable.
To look for server1 MBean in mynode, use the following example:
set server1 [$AdminControl completeObjectName node=mynode,type=Server,name=server1,*]
server1 = AdminControl.completeObjectName('node=mynode,type=Server,name=server1,*')
set var [$AdminControl queryNames template]
var = AdminControl.queryNames(template)
set | is a Jacl command |
var | is a variable name |
$ | is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value |
AdminControl | is an object that enables the manipulation of MBeans running in a WebSphere Application server process. |
queryNames | is an AdminControl command |
template | is a string containing a segment of the object name to be matched. The template has the same format as an object name with the following pattern: [domainName]:property=value[,property=value]* |
set allServers [$AdminControl queryNames type=Server,*] set aServer [lindex $allServers 0]
allServers = AdminControl.queryNames('type=Server,*') # get line separator import java lineSeparator = java.lang.System.getProperty('line.separator') aServer = allServers.split(lineSeparator)[0]
For other ways to manipulate the list and then perform pattern matching to look for a specified configuration object, refer to the Jacl syntax.
ResultYou can now use the running object in with other AdminControl commands that require an object name as a parameter.
Related concepts
ObjectName, Attribute, and AttributeList classes
AdminControl object for scripted administration
Related reference
Commands for the AdminControl object