Setting the session timeout for the administrative console


Setting the session timeout for the administrative console

This topic describes how to change the session timeout from the default value for the administrative console.

Ensure that you have the proper permissions to change the ${WAS_HOME}/systemApps/adminconsole.ear/deployment.xml file.

Determine whether the default session timeout value of 30 minutes is acceptable. Some reasons that you might change the default value are:

Do the following actions to change the timeout value:

  1. Edit the ${WAS_HOME}/systemApps/adminconsole.ear/deployment.xml file in a text editor.

  2. Locate the xml statement <tuningParams xmi:id="TuningParams_1088453565469" maxInMemorySessionCount="1000" allowOverflow="true" writeFrequency="TIME_BASED_WRITE" writeInterval="10" writeContents="ONLY_UPDATED_ATTRIBUTES" invalidationTimeout="30">

  3. Change the invalidationTimeout value to the desired session timeout. The default is 30.

  4. Save the ${WAS_HOME}/systemApps/adminconsole.ear/deployment.xml file.

  5. Restart the console.

ResultOnce you restart the console, the change takes effect.


What to do next

Manage WebSphere Application Server through the administrative console.

Related tasks
Starting and stopping the administrative console