On the Project Explorer tab, click EJB Modules > project > ejbModule > META-INF >
ejb-jar.xml The EJB Deployment Descriptor window appears.
Select the Access tab. The Add Access Intent window appears. There are two areas of the panel that deal with adding access intent:
Default Access Intent for Entities 2.x (Bean Level)
Access Intent for Entities 2.x (Method Level)
Select the Bean or Method level. Another access intent window appears where you can set the properties you wish to use.
Use the dropdown list to select the Access intent
Optional: Enter a description.
Check the Persistence Option box.
Check the Deferred Operation box.
Use the dropdown list to select All for deferred operation. You must select All to use the batch option.
Check the Batch box. This operation uses the JDBC batch command to insert, update, or delete rows in the database backend that this particular enterprise bean is connected to.