Use this property to maintain session affinity. The clone ID of the server is appended to session identifier separated by colon. On some Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) devices, a colon is not allowed. Set this property to "true"
to change clone separator to a plus sign (+).
Use this property to change the clone ID of the cluster member. Within a cluster, this name must be unique to maintain session affinity. When set,
this name overwrites the default name generated by WebSphere Application Server.
Default clone ID length: 8 or 9 .
Use this property to configure the session identifier length. Do not use an extremely low value; using a low value results in reduced number of combinations possible, thereby increasing risk of guessing the session identifier. In a cluster, all cluster members should be configured with same ID length. Allowed range: 8 to 128. Default length: 23.
Use this property to set a wake-up interval for the process that removes invalid sessions. Default is based on maximum inactive interval set in session management. Allowed value: integer.
Set this value to "true" to force removal of information that is not needed in session identifiers. In WebSphere Application Server base edition,a clone ID of -1 is never used; therefore, a clone ID is not included in base edition when this is set. Also, cache ID is not used with nonpersistent sessions; so the cache ID is not included with nonpersistent sessions when this value is set.
Set this property to "true" to maintain affinity to the new member even after original one comes back up. When a cluster member fails, its requests routed to a different cluster member, and sessions are activated in that other member. Thus, session affinity is maintained to the new member, and when failed
cluster member comes back up, the requests for sessions that were created in the original cluster member are routed back to it. Allowed values, true or false. Default: false.
IBM recommends that you set this property to "true" when distributed sessions with time-based write is configured.
Note that this property has no affect on the behavior when distributed sessions is not enabled.
Use this value to set maximum length that a session identifier can grow.
In a cluster, because of fail-over when a request goes to new cluster member, session management appends a new clone ID to the existing clone ID. In a large cluster,
if for some reason servers are failing more often, then it is possible that the session identifier length can be more than expected reducing room for URL. So this property helps to find out the condition and take appropriate action to address servers fail-over. When this is specified, message is logged when specified maximum length is reached. Allowed value: integer.
Use this property to change the key used with URL rewriting. Default key: