Configure the server for response encryption: encrypting the message parts

[Version 5 only]


Configure the server for response encryption: encrypting the message parts

Important distinction between Version 5.x and Version 6 applications

Note: The information in this article supports version 5.x applications only that are used with WebSphere Application Server Version 6. The information does not apply to version 6 applications. Prior to completing these steps, read either of the following topics to become familiar with the WS Extensions tab and the WS Bindings tab in the Web services editor within an assembly tool:

These two tabs are used to configure the Web services security extensions and the Web services security bindings, respectively.

Complete the following steps to specify which parts of the response message to encrypt when configuring the server for response encryption:

  1. Launch an assembly tool. For more information on the assembly tools, see Assembly tools.

  2. Open the J2EE perspective by clicking Window > Open perspective > Other > J2EE .

  3. Click EJB Projects > application_name ejbModule > META_INF .

  4. Right-click the webservices.xml file, select Open with > Web services editor .

  5. Click the Extensions tab, which is located at the bottom of the Web Services Editor within the assembly tool.

  6. Expand Response sender service configuration details > Confidentiality . Confidentiality refers to encryption while integrity refers to digital signing. Confidentiality reduces the risk of someone understanding the message flowing across the Internet. With confidentiality specifications, the response is encrypted before it is sent and decrypted when it is received at the correct target. For more information on encrypting, see XML encryption.

  7. Select the parts of the response that you want to encrypt by clicking Add and selecting Bodytoken or Usernametoken. The following information describes the message parts:


    User data portion of the message.


    Basic authentication information, if selected.

    A user name token does not appear in the response so you do not need to select this option for the response. If you select this option, make sure that you also select it for the client response receiver. If you do not select this option, make sure that you do not select it for the client response receiver.


What to do next

After you specify which message parts to encrypt, specify which method to use message encryption. See Configuring the server for response encryption: choosing the encryption method for more information.

Related concepts
XML encryption

Related tasks
Configuring the server for response encryption: choosing the encryption method
Configuring key locators using an assembly tool
Configuring key locators using the administrative console
Configuring the server security bindings using an assembly tool
Configuring the server security bindings using the administrative console

Searchable topic ID: twbs_confsvrrespencryptmsg