Security attribute propagation


Security attribute propagation

With Security attribute propagation WebSphere Application Server can transport security attributes (authenticated Subject contents and
security context information) from one server to another in your configuration. WebSphere Application Server might obtain these security attributes from either an enterprise user registry, which queries static attributes, or a custom login module, which can query static or dynamic attributes. Dynamic security attributes, which are custom in nature, might include the authentication strength that is used for the connection, the identity of the original caller, the location of the original caller, the IP address of the original caller, and so on.

Security attribute propagation provides propagation services using Java serialization for any objects that are contained in the Subject. However, Java code must be able to serialize and deserialize these objects. The Java programming language specifies the rules for how Java code can serialize an object. Because problems can occur when dealing with different platforms and versions of software, WebSphere Application Server also offers a token framework that enables custom serialization functionality. The token framework has other benefits that include the ability to identify the uniqueness of the token. This uniqueness determines how the Subject gets cached and the purpose of the token. The token framework defines four marker token interfaces that enable the WebSphere Application Server run time to determine how to propagate the token.

Important: Any custom tokens that are used in this framework are not used by WebSphere Application Server for authorization or authentication. The framework serves as a way to notify WebSphere Application Server that you want these tokens propagated in a particular way. WebSphere Application Server handles the propagation details, but does not handle serialization or deserialization of custom tokens. Serialization and deserialization of these custom tokens are carried out by the implementation and handled by a custom login module.

With WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 and later, a custom Java Authorization Contract for Container (JACC) provider can be configured to enforce access control for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications. A custom JACC provider can explore the custom security attributes in the caller JAAS subject in making access control decisions.

When a request is being authenticated, a determination is made by the login modules whether this request is an initial login or a propagation login. An initial login is the process of authenticating the user information, typically a user ID and password, and then calling the application programming interfaces (APIs) for the remote user registry to look up secure attributes that represent the user access rights. A propagation login is the process of validating the user information, typically a Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) token, and then deserializing a series of tokens that constitute both custom objects and token framework objects known to WebSphere Application Server. The following marker tokens are introduced in the framework:

Authorization token

The authorization token contains most of the authorization-related security attributes that are propagated. The default authorization token is used by the WebSphere Application Server authorization engine to make Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) authorization decisions. Service providers can use custom authorization token implementations to isolate their data in a different token, perform custom serialization and de-serialization, and make custom authorization decisions using the information in their token at the appropriate time. For information on how to use and implement this token type, see Default PropagationToken and Implementing a custom PropagationToken.

Single signon (SSO) token

A custom SingleSignonToken token that is added to the Subject is automatically added to the response as an HTTP cookie and contains the attributes sent back to Web browsers. The token interface getName method with the getVersion method defines the cookie name. WebSphere Application Server defines a default SingleSignonToken with the LtpaToken name and Version 2. The cookie name added is LtpaToken2. Do not add sensitive information, confidential information, or unencrypted data to the response cookie.

It is also recommended that any time that you use cookies, use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to protect the request. Using an SSO token, Web users can authenticate once when accessing Web resources across multiple WebSphere Application Servers. A custom SSO token extends this functionality by adding custom processing to the single signon scenario. For more information on SSO tokens, see Implementing single signon to minimize Web user authentications. For information on how to use and implement this token type, see Default and Implementing a custom single signon token.

Propagation token

The propagation token is not associated with the authenticated user so it is not stored in the Subject. Instead, the propagation token is stored on the thread and follows the invocation wherever it goes. When a request is sent outbound to another server, the propagation tokens on that thread are sent with the request and the tokens are run by the target server. The attributes that are stored on the thread are propagated regardless of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) RunAs user switches.

The default propagation token monitors and logs all user switches and host switches. You can add additional information to the default propagation token using the WSSecurityHelper application programming interfaces (APIs). To retrieve and set custom implementations of a propagation token, you can use the WSSecurityPropagationHelper class. For information on how to use and implement this token type, see Default propagation token and Implementing a custom propagation token.

Authentication token

The authentication token flows to downstream servers and contains the identity of the user. This token type serves the same function as the Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) token in previous versions. Although this token type is typically reserved for internal WebSphere Application Server purposes, you can add this token to the Subject and the token is propagated using the getBytes method of the token interface.

A custom authentication token is used solely for the purpose of the service provider that adds it to the Subject. WebSphere Application Server does not use it for authentication purposes because a default authentication token exists that is used for WebSphere Application Server authentication. This token type is available for the service provider to identify how the custom data uses the token to perform custom authentication decisions. For information on how to use and implement this token type, see Default AuthenticationToken and Implementing a custom AuthenticationToken.

Horizontal propagation versus downstream propagation

In WebSphere Application Server, both horizontal propagation, which uses single signon for Web requests, and downstream propagation, which uses Remote Method Invocation over the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (RMI/IIOP) to access enterprise beans, are available.

Horizontal propagation In horizontal propagation, security attributes are propagated among front-end servers. The serialized security attributes, which are the Subject contents and the propagation tokens, can contain both static and dynamic attributes. The single signon (SSO) token stores additional system-specific information that is needed for horizontal propagation. The information contained in the SSO token tells the receiving server where the originating server is located and how to communicate with that server. Additionally, the SSO token also contains the key to look up the serialized attributes. To enable horizontal propagation, configure the single signon token and the Web inbound security attribute propagation features. You can configure both of these features using the administrative console by completing the following steps:

  1. Click Security > Global security .

  2. Under Authentication, click Authentication Mechanisms > LTPA .

  3. Under Additional properties, click Single signon (SSO) .
For more information, see Propagating security attributes among application servers. When front-end servers are configured and in the same distributed replication service (DRS) replication domain, the application server automatically propagates the serialized information to all of the servers within the same domain. In figure 1, application 1 is deployed on server 1 and server 2, and both servers are members of the same DRS replication domain. If a request originates from application 1 on server 1 and then gets redirected to application 1 on server 2, the original login attributes are found on server 2 without additional remote requests. However, if the request originates from application 1 on either server 1 or server 2, but the request is redirected to application 2 on either server 1 or server 2, the serialized information is not found in the DRS cache because the servers are not configured in the same replication domain. As a result, a remote Java Management Extensions (JMX) request is sent back to the originating server that hosts application 1 to obtain the serialized information so that original login information is available to the application. By getting the serialized information using a single JMX remote call back to the originating server, the following benefits are realized:

Figure 1

Horizontal propagation

Performance implications for horizontal propagation

The performance implications of either the DRS or JMX remote call depends upon your environment. THE DRS or JMX remote call is used for obtaining the original login attributes. Horizontal propagation reduces many of the remote user registry calls in cases where these calls cause the most performance problems for an application. However, the de-serialization of these objects also might cause performance degradation, but this degradation might be less than the remote user registry calls. IBM recommends that you test your environment with horizontal propagation enabled and disabled. In cases where use horizontal propagation for preserving original login attributes, test whether DRS or JMX provides better performance in your environment. Typically, it is recommended that you configure DRS both for failover and performance reasons. However, because DRS propagates the information to all of the servers in the same replication domain (whether the servers are accessed or not), there might be a performance degradation if too many servers are in the same replication domain. In this case, either reduce the number of servers in the replication domain or do not configure the servers in a DRS replication domain. The later suggestion causes a JMX remote call to retrieve the attributes, when needed, which might be quicker overall.

Downstream propagation

In downstream propagation, a Subject is generated at the Web front-end server, either by a propagation login or a user registry login. WebSphere Application Server propagates the
security information downstream for enterprise bean invocations when both Remote Method Invocation (RMI) outbound and inbound propagation are enabled.

Benefits of propagating security attributes

security attribute propagation feature of WebSphere Application Server has the following benefits:

Default propagation token

Default authorization token

Default single sign-on token

Default authentication token

Related concepts

Authentication mechanisms


Related tasks

Propagating security attributes among application servers
Implementing a custom propagation token
Implementing a custom authorization token
Implementing a custom single sign-on token
Implementing a custom authentication token
Implementing single sign-on to minimize Web user authentications

Searchable topic ID: csec_secattributeprop