Rolling back your environment to V5.x


Rolling back your environment to V5.x

This task describes rolling back a WebSphere Application Server Version 6 environment to Version 5.x.

  1. To roll back a cell, run the following command:
    install_root/wsadmin -instance instance -conntype NONE -f instance_root/bin/migrationDisablementReversal.jacl

  2. Run this command from each deployment manager or node that you need to roll back from Version 6.

    Example: Restore the V5.1 default deployment manager

    /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS51/ND/bin/wsadmin -instance default -conntype NONE -f  /QIBM/UserData/WebAS51/ND/default/bin/migrationDisablementReversal.jacl

  3. Stop the deployment manager or nodes in the Version 6 environment, and start the Version 5.x environment.

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