Request metrics

Request metrics

Use this page to enable request metrics, select the components that are instrumented by request metrics, set trace levels, enable standard logs, enable Application Response Measurement (ARM), specify the type of ARM agent, and specify the ARM transaction factory implementation class name.

To view this administrative console page, click Monitoring and Tuning > Request metrics.

Configuration tab

Enable request metrics

This turns on the request metrics feature. When disabled, the request metrics function is disabled.

Components to be instrumented

Selects the components that are instrumented by request metrics.

Specify which components; for example, All, servlet, enterprise bean, Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC), Web services, Java Message Service (JMS), and asynchronous beans are instrumented using request metrics. The default selection is All.

Note: An edge transaction, which is defined as the first transaction that enters the application server without a parent correlator, will always be instrumented even if the corresponding component is disabled for instrumentation.

Trace level

Specifies how much trace data to accumulate for a given transaction. Note that Trace level and Components to be instrumented work together to control whether or not a request will be instrumented. Including one of the following values:


No instrumentation.


Generates instrumentation information on process boundaries only (for example, at the entry and exit points for the Web container).


Generates one additional level of instrumentation data, whereas debug generates detailed instrumentation data.


Provides detailed instrumentation data, including response times for all intra-process servlet and EJB calls.

Standard logs

Enables the request metrics logging feature. Select this check box to trigger the generation of request metrics logs in the SystemOut.log file.

Note: Since enabling the request metrics logging feature will increase processor usage, it is recommended using this feature together with filters so that only selected requests are instrumented.

Application Response Measurement (ARM) agent

Enables request metrics to call an underlying Application Response Measurement (ARM) agent.

Before enabling ARM, you need to install an ARM agent and configure it to the appropriate classpath and path, following the instructions of the ARM provider.

Specify ARM agent

The type of ARM agent that you want to use.

The ARM 4.0 agent and Tivoli ARM 2.0 agent are supported.

ARM transaction factory implementation class name

The ARM transaction factory implementation class name in the package that is supplied by your provider. This field is required when
ARM 4.0 agent is selected, but it is not required when Tivoli ARM agent is selected.

In this field, type the name of the ARM transaction factory implementation class that is present in the ARM library. Be sure to follow the instructions of the ARM provider and understand the name of the ARM transaction factory class for the installed ARM agent.


When filtering is enabled, only requests matching the specified filter will generate request metrics data. Filters exist for source IP address, URI name, EJB method name, JMS parameters, and the WebServices parameters.


Related tasks

Getting performance data from request metrics
Monitoring application flow

Searchable topic ID: uprf_rrequestmetrics