Process definition settings


Process definition settings

Use this page to view or change settings for a process definition. For WebSphere Application Server, this page provides command-line information for starting or initializing a process.

To view this administrative console page, click Servers > Application Servers > server_name. Then under Server Infrastructure click Java Process Management > Process Definition .

Configuration tab

Working Directory

The file system directory that the process uses as its current working directory.

Important: z/OS users should not use the Working Directory setting on the administrative console. On z/OS, the working directory is always the UNIX System Services directory that is defined via the OMVS setting of the RACF user profile for the user that starts the servant. For z/OS, this cannot be changed via the administrative console. Therefore, to provide compatibility between the applications on a z/OS system and a distributed system, set the UNIX System Services directory to the same value that was supplied for the Working Directory option on the distributed system.

The process uses this directory to determine the locations of input and output files with relative path names.

Passivated enterprise beans are placed in the current working directory of the application server on which the beans are running. Make sure the working directory is a known directory under the root directory of the WebSphere Application Server product. The default for Working Directory is the profile_root directory. If you change this value, ensure that user profile QEJBSVR has read, write and execute (*RWX) authority to the directory specified.

Data type String


Process execution settings

Process logs settings

Monitoring policy settings

Related concepts
Process definition

Related tasks
Defining application server processes

Related reference
Administrative console page features
Java virtual machine settings
Custom property collection