How well a Web site performs while receiving heavy user traffic is an essential factor in the overall success of an organization. This section provides online resources that you can consult to ensure that your site performs well under pressure.
(dependent on configuration)
IBM Patterns for e-business is a group of reusable assets that can help speed the process of developing Web-based applications. The patterns leverage the experience of IBM architects to create solutions quickly, whether for a small local business or a large multinational enterprise.
Availability is an achievable service-level characteristic that every enterprise struggles with. The worst case scenario is realized when load is underestimated or bandwidth is overloaded because availability planning was not carefully conducted. Applying the information in this article and the accompanying spreadsheet to your planning exercises can help you avoid such a scenario.
How much capacity is enough for your Web site? It is a difficult question, and often customers have either too much or too little capacity to meet the demands of their site visitors. When developing a plan for your Web site, first define its service levels. Next, determine the health of your existing site and apply what you know to planning for your future site. Finally, validate your capacity estimates through testing and then eventually deploy the site. Here, developing and implementing a capacity plan for your site is explored.
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