Migrating security configurations from previous releases


Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating - Security considerations

Use this topic to migrate the security configuration of previous WebSphere Application Server releases and its applications to the new installation of WebSphere Application Server.

This information addresses the need to migrate your security configurations from a previous release of IBM WebSphere Application Server to WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0.x or later. Complete the following steps to migrate your security configurations:

Use the First steps wizard to access and run the
Migration wizard.

  1. Start the First steps wizard by launching the firststeps.bat or the firststeps.sh file. The first steps file is located in the following directory:

  2. On the First steps wizard panel, click Migration wizard.

  3. Follow the instructions provided in the First steps wizard to complete the migration.

For more information on the Migration wizard, see Using the Migration wizard.



The security configuration of previous WebSphere Application Server releases and its applications are migrated to the new installation of WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0.x.


What to do next

If a custom user registry is used in the previous version, the migration process does not migrate the class files that are used by the custom user registry in the previous_install_root/classes directory. Therefore, after migration, copy your custom user registry implementation classes to the install_root/classes directory.

If you upgrade from WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.x to WebSphere Application Server, Version 6.0.x, the data that is associated with Version 5.x trust associations is not automatically migrated to Version 6.0.x. To migrate trust associations, see Migrating trust association interceptors .



Interoperating with previous product versions

Interoperating with a C++ common object request broker architecture client

Migrating custom user registries

Migrating trust association interceptors

Migrating Common Object Request Broker Architecture programmatic login to Java Authentication and Authorization Service (CORBA and JAAS)

Migrating from the CustomLoginServlet class to servlet filters

Migrating Java 2 security policy


Related concepts

Java Authentication and Authorization Service

Web component security

J2EE connector security


Related tasks

Installing the product and additional software

Configuring inbound identity mapping

Using the Migration wizard