For more information about this sample, see the samples article "Tutorial: Creating JMS message sample" that is installed with the Samples option.
This sample is designed to demonstrate the use and behavior of message-driven beans for a simple point-to-point scenario. This sample uses the JMS message sample deployed in the sample above.
For more information about this sample, see the samples article "Sample: Message Listener (Point-to-Point)" that is installed with the Samples option.
For more information about this sample, see the samples article "Tutorial: Creating JMS message publish/subscribe sample" that is installed with the Samples option.
This sample is designed to demonstrate the use and behavior of message-driven beans for a simple publish/subscribe scenario. This sample uses the JMS message sample deployed in the publish/subscribe sample above.
For more information about this sample, see the samples article "Sample: Message Listener (publish/subscribe)" that is installed with the Samples option.
Related concepts
An overview of messaging using message-driven beans
Samples Gallery
Related tasks
Developing an enterprise application to use message-driven beans