MIME type settings


MIME type settings

Use this page to configure a multi-purpose internet mail extensions (MIME) object type.

To view this administrative console page, click Environment > Virtual Hosts > virtual_host_name > MIME Types > MIME_type.

Configuration tab


Specifies a MIME type, which can be application, audio, image, text, video, www, or x-world. An example value for MIME type is text/html.

An example value for MIME type is text/html. A default value appears only if you are viewing the configuration for an existing instance.

Data type String


Specifies file extensions of files that map the MIME type. Do not specify the period before the extension. Example extensions for a text/html MIME type are htm and html.

File extensions for a text/html MIME type are .htm and .html. A default value appears only if you are viewing the configuration for an existing MIME type.

Data type String

Related concepts
Virtual hosts

Related tasks
Configuring virtual hosts

Related reference
Administrative console page features