MEMBER OF predicate


MEMBER OF predicate

This expression tests whether the object reference specified by the single valued path expression or input parameter is a member of the designated collection. If the collection valued path expression designates an empty collection the value of the MEMBER OF expression is FALSE.
{ single-valued-path-expression | input_parameter } [ NOT ] MEMBER [ OF ] collection-valued-path-expression

Example: MEMBER OF predicate

Find employees that are not members of a given department number:

SELECT OBJECT(e) FROM EmpBean e , DeptBean d 
WHERE e NOT MEMBER OF d.emps AND d.deptno = ?1
Find employees whose manager is a member of a given department number:
SELECT OBJECT(e) FROM EmpBean e, DeptBean d 
WHERE e.dept.mgr MEMBER  OF d.emps  and d.deptno=?1

Related concepts
EJB query language
WHERE clause

Related tasks
Using EJB query