Log levels

Log levels

Levels control which events are processed by Java logging. WebSphere Application Server controls the levels of all loggers in the system. The level value is set from configuration data when the logger is created and can be changed at run time from the administrative console. If a level is not set in the configuration data, a level is obtained by proceeding up the hierarchy until a parent with a level value is found. You can also set a level for each handler to indicate which events are published to an output device. When you change the level for a logger in the administrative console, the change is propagated to the children of the logger. Levels are cumulative; a logger can process logged objects at the level that is set for the logger, and at all levels above the set level. Valid levels are:

Level Content / Significance
Off No events are logged.
Fatal Task cannot continue and component cannot function.
Severe Task cannot continue, but component can still function
Warning Potential error or impending error
Audit Significant event affecting server state or resources
Info General information outlining overall task progress
Config Configuration change or status
Detail General information detailing subtask progress
Fine Trace information - General trace + method entry / exit / return values
Finer Trace information - Detailed trace
Finest Trace information - A more detailed trace - Includes all the detail that is needed to debug problems
All All events are logged. If you create custom levels, All includes your custom levels, and can provide a more detailed trace than Finest.
For instructions on how to set logging levels, see Configuring logging properties using the administrative console

Note: Trace information, which includes events at the Fine, Finer, and Finest levels, can be written only to the trace log. Therefore, if you do not enable diagnostic trace, setting the log detail level to Fine, Finer, or Finest, does not effect the logged data.

Related concepts
Log handlers
Log filters
Log formatters

Related tasks
Configuring logging properties using the administrative console

Related reference
Log level settings

Searchable topic ID: ctrb_loglevels