Learn about data access resources


Learn about data access resources

This topic provides links to Web resources for learning, including conceptual overviews, tutorials, samples, and "How do I?..." topics, pending their availability.

How do I?...

  Establish data access using enterprise beans
Checkmark Develop enterprise beans
Checkmark Assemble beans into a data access application
Checkmark Map the beans to database tables
Checkmark Configure access to a relational database
  Configure access to a non-relational database
Checkmark Create a resource adapter
Checkmark Create a connection factory
  Establish data access without using enterprise beans
Checkmark Use optional IBM data access beans
Checkmark Verify your database vendor requirements (for relational databases)
Checkmark Configure access to a relational database
Checkmark Configure access to a non-relational database: See previous
ShowMe demonstration Set up JDBC - Cloudscape database
ShowMe demonstration Set up JDBC - DB2 database
ShowMe demonstration Set up JDBC - Oracle database
  Establish data access using SDO
Checkmark The Service Data Objects framework
  Logically name the new resource
Checkmark Establish resource references
  Deploy your data access application
Checkmark Install application files (same as any application type)
  ShowMe demonstration Deploy applications (Education on Demand)
  ShowMe demonstration Administer applications (Education on Demand)
  Test and monitor database connections
Checkmark Test connections
Checkmark Remedy stale connections
Checkmark Use the JDBC connection pool counter for relational databases
Checkmark Use the J2C connection pool counter for non-relational databases
Checkmark Resolve connectivity issues specific to database type

Conceptual overviews

Documentation Documentation Introduction: Data access resources
Presentation Presentations Education on Demand offers:

Redbooks See also the IBM Redbook DB2 UDB V8 and WebSphere V5 Performance Tuning and Operations Guide


  • Version 5.x Redbooks are cited for their conceptual material. Product technical details have changed in Version 6. Refer to the product documentation for current product and technical details. Links to Version 6 Redbooks will be added as they become available.

  • Redbooks are supplemental rather than formal product documentation. Read their Notices carefully. For information about supported configurations, consult the product documentation.


Tutorials developerWorks offers:

  • Tutorial 5 - Java Connector Architecture (JCA 1.5)

    This tutorial illustrates the Java Connector Architecture (JCA), which defines the standards that allow J2EE application servers to interact with a back-end. This is called an Enterprise Information System (EIS). With JCA 1.5, it is possible for a back-end system to initiate communications towards the J2EE application server, and to propagate a transactional context too. The EIS will control the transaction boundaries in this scenario, the J2EE container acts as a transactional resource controlled by the EIS. The zip file comes with all sample code required to run this tutorial.


Samples The Samples Gallery offers:

  • WebSphere Bank

    Using the WebSphere Bank online bank, customers can open accounts, get account balances, and transfer funds between accounts. The WebSphere Bank application uses Web services, Java Message Service (JMS) API, container-managed persistence (CMP), container-managed relationships (CMR), stateless session beans, Message Driven Beans (MDB), JCA 1.5 API, JSP pages, and servlets.

  • Album catalog

    Album Catalog illustrates access to relational data in a web application via Service Data Objects (SDO) and JDBC Mediator. It illustrates the use of SDOs and JDBC Mediator to display and manipulate data from a relational database in a disconnected fashion.

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