JSP class file generation


JSP class file generation

At runtime, the WebSphere Application Server JavaServer Pages (JSP) engine loads JSP class files from either the WebSphere Application Server temp directory or a Web module's WEB-INF/classes directory. The WebSphere Application Server temp directory is typically /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/edition/profiles/profileName/temp . The JSP engine first searches for a class file in the temp directory and then it searches in the Web module's WEB-INF/classes directory. Figure 1 shows the processing logic of the JSP engine at runtime.

The batch compiler supports the generation of class files in both the WebSphere Application Server temp directory and a Web module's WEB-INF/classes directory, depending on the type of batch compiler target. In addition, the batch compiler enables the generation of class files into any directory on the filesystem, outside of the target application. Generating class files into a Web module's WEB-INF/classes directory enables you to deploy the Web module as a self-contained Web archive (WAR) file, or a WAR file inside an enterprise archive (EAR) file. The following table shows the batch compiler's behavior when compiling class files.

  ear.path or war.path supplied enterpriseApp.name supplied
compileToDir not supplied; compileToWebInf not supplied, or is true The class files are compiled into the Web module's WEB-INF/classes directory. The class files are compiled into the Web module's WEB-INF/classes directory.
compileToDir not supplied; compileToWebInf is false The class files are compiled into the Web module's WEB-INF/classes directory. The class files are compiled into the WebSphere temp directory, usually {PROFILE_PATH}/temp, where PROFILE_PATH is /QIBM/UserData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/profiles in a default installation.
compileToDir is supplied; compileToWebInf not supplied, or is either true or false The class files are compiled into the directory indicated by compileToDir. The class files are compiled into the directory indicated by compileToDir.

Related tasks
Configuring JSP engine parameters

Related reference
Configuring JSP runtime reloading