JRas Extensions

JRas Extensions

JRas extensions is the collection of implementation classes that support JRas integration into the WebSphere Application Server environment.

JRas extensions

The JRas framework described in this task and its sub-tasks is deprecated. However, you can achieve similar results using Java logging.

The stand-alone JRas logging toolkit defines interfaces and provides a variety of concrete classes that implement these interfaces. Because the stand-alone JRas logging toolkit is developed as a general purpose toolkit, the implementation classes do not contain the configuration interfaces and methods that are necessary for use in the WebSphere Application Server product. In addition, many of the implementation classes are not written appropriately for use in a Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) environment. To overcome these shortcomings, WebSphere Application Server provides the appropriate implementation classes that support integration into the WebSphere Application Server environment. The collection of these implementation classes is referred to as the JRas extensions.

Usage modelYou can use the JRas extensions in three distinct operational modes:


In this mode, message and trace records are written only to logs that are defined and maintained by the WebSphere Application Server run time. This mode is the default mode of operation and is equivalent to the WebSphere Application Server V4.0 mode of operation.


In this mode, message and trace records are written solely to stand-alone logs that are defined and maintained by the user. You control which categories of events are written to which logs, and the format in which entries are written. You are responsible for configuration and maintenance of the logs. Message and trace entries are not written to WebSphere Application Server runtime logs.


In this mode, message and trace records are written to both WebSphere Application Server runtime logs and to stand-alone logs that define, control, and maintain. You can use filtering controls to determine which categories of messages and trace are written to which logs.

The JRas extensions are specifically targeted to an integrated mode of operation. The integrated mode of operation can be appropriate for some usage scenarios, but many scenarios are not adequately addressed by these extensions. Many usage scenarios require a stand-alone or combined mode of operation instead. A set of user extension points are defined that support JRas extensions in either a stand-alone or combined mode of operations.



JRas extension classes

JRas framework (deprecated)

Programming model summary

Searchable topic ID: rtrb_jrasxtensn