JMS provider collection


JMS provider collection

Use this panel to list JMS providers, or to select a JMS provider to view or change its configuration properties.

To view this administrative console page, click Resources > JMS providers > Generic

To view or change the properties of a JMS provider or its resources, select its name in the list displayed.

To define a new generic JMS provider, click New .

To act on one or more of the JMS providers listed, click the check boxes next to the names of the objects that you want to act on, then use the buttons provided.


The name by which this JMS provider is known for administrative purposes.


A description of this JMS provider for administrative purposes.

Related tasks
Administering WebSphere JMS support

Related reference
JMS provider

Related information

An overview of WebSphere asynchronous messaging using JMS

Searchable topic ID: umj_sjmsp