The JVM logs contain print data written by applications. The application can write this data directly in the form of System.out.print(), System.err.print(), or other method calls. The application can also write data indirectly by calling a JVM function, such as an Exception.printStackTrace(). In addition, the System.out JVM log contains system messages written by the WebSphere Application Server.
You can format application data to look like WebSphere Application Server system messages by using the Installed Application Output field of the JVM Logs properties panel, or as plain text with no additional formatting. WebSphere Application Server system messages are always formatted. Depending on how the JVM log is configured, formatted messages can be written to the JVM logs in either basic or advanced format.
Message formats Formatted messages are written to the JVM logs in one of two formats:
Basic and advanced format fields
Basic and Advanced Formats use many of the same fields and formatting techniques. The various fields that may be found in these formats follow:
Basic format
Message events displayed in basic format use the following format. The notation <name> indicates mandatory fields that will always appear in the basic format message. The notation [name] indicates optional or conditional fields that will be included if they can be determined.
Advanced format
Message events displayed in advanced format use the following format. The notation <name> is used to indicate mandatory fields that will always appear in the advanced format for message entries. The notation [name] is used to indicate optional or conditional fields that will be included if they can be determined.
<timestamp><threadId><eventType><UOW><source=longName>[className][methodName]<Organization><Product><Component>[thread=threadName] <message>
Related tasks
Configuring the JVM logs
Viewing JVM logs
Searchable topic ID: ctrb_readmsglogs