Why and when to perform this taskUse these steps to perform a silent installation, which uses the installation wizard to install the product. Instead of displaying a user interface, the silent installation provides interaction between you and the wizard by reading all of your responses from a file that customize.
Note: To prepare the file for a silent installation on AIX, use UNIX line-end characters (0x0D0A) to terminate each line of the options response file.
The sample options response file is located in the operating-system platform directory on the product CD-ROM.
Issuing this command changes the value for silentInstallLicenseAcceptance.value from false to true, which is necessary for installing application clients.
ResultYou installed application clients silently by using the response file.
What to do next
To verify the silent install, look for the string RC=INSTCONFSUCCESS in the WAS.Client.install.log file for successful installation and RC=INSTCONFFAILED for a failed install installation. For UNIX platforms, the install command returns a return code of 1 to indicate a successful installation. Any other return code means that the installation failed.
When the InstallShield for MultiPlatforms (ISMP) fails and the WAS.Client.install.log file is not created, the error log file might have been created in the < client_install_root >/logs/WAS.Client.install.log directory. To specify the location of the error log file, use the ISMP command line option. See the following example: ./install -options setup.response -log !d:\temp\log.txt .
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Installing Application Client for WebSphere Application Server
Related reference
Best practices for installing Application Client for WebSphere Application Server
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