HTTP transport channel settings


HTTP transport channel settings

Use this page to view and configure an HTTP transport channel. This type of transport channel handles HTTP requests from a remote client.

An HTTP transport channel parses HTTP requests and then finds an appropriate application channel to handle the request and send a response.

To view this administrative console page, click Servers > Application servers > server_name > Ports . Click on View associated transports for the port associated with the HTTP transport channel whose settings you want to look at.

Transport channel name

The name of the HTTP transport channel.

This name must be unique across all channels in a WebSphere Application Server environment. For example, an HTTP transport channel and a TCP transport channel cannot have the same name if they reside within the same system.

Discrimination weight

The priority this channel has in relation to the other channels in this transport chain. This property is only used when port sharing is enabled and the channel chain includes multiple channels to which it might forward data. The channel in the chain with the lowest discrimination weight is the first one given the opportunity to look at incoming data and determine whether or not it owns that data.

Data type Positive integer
Default 10

Maximum persistent requests

The maximum number of persistent (keep-alive) requests that are allowed on a single HTTP connection. If a value of 0 (zero) is specified, only one request is allowed per connection. If a value of -1 is specified, an unlimited number of requests is allowed per connection.

Data type Integer
Default 100

Use Keep-Alive

When selected, the HTTP transport channel, when sending an outgoing HTTP message, uses a persistent connection (keep-alive connection) instead of a connection that closes after one request or response exchange occurs.

Note: If a value other than 0 is specified for the maximum persistent requests property, the Use Keep-Alive property setting is ignored.

The default for this property is selected.

Read timeout

The amount of time, in seconds, the HTTP transport channel waits for a read request to complete on a socket after the first read request occurs. The read being waited for could be an HTTP body (such as a POST) or part of the headers if they were not all read as part of the first read request on the socket.

Data type Integer
Default 60 seconds

Write timeout

The amount of time, in seconds, that the HTTP transport channel waits on a socket for each portion of response data to be transmitted. This timeout usually only occurs in situations where the writes are lagging behind new requests. This can occur when a client has a low data rate or the server's network interface card (NIC) is saturated with I/O.

Data type Integer
Default 60 seconds

Persistent timeout

The amount of time, in seconds, that the HTTP transport channel allows a socket to remain idle between requests.

Data type Integer
Default 30 seconds

Enable NCSA access logging

When selected, the HTTP transport channel performs NCSA access and error logging. Enabling NCSA access and error logging slows server performance.

To configure NCSA access and error logging, click HTTP error and NCSA access logging under Related Items. Even if HTTP error and NCSA access logging is configured, it is not enabled unless the Enable NCSA access logging property is selected.

The default value for the Enable NCSA access logging property is not selected.

Related reference
Administrative console preference settings
Administrative console page features
Object names
Transport chains collection
HTTP error and NCSA access log settings