HTTP basic authentication collection


HTTP basic authentication collection

Use this page to specify a user name and password for transport-level basic authentication security for this port. You can use this configuration when a Web service is a client to another Web service.

You can use transport-level security to enable basic authentication. Transport-level security can be enabled or disabled independently from message-level security. Because transport-level security provides minimal security, use message-level security when security is essential to the Web service application. To view this administrative console page, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Applications > Enterprise Applications > application_name.

  2. Under Related Items, click Web module > URI_file_name > Web Services: Client Security Bindings .

  3. Under HTTP Basic Authentication, click Edit .

Basic authentication ID

The user name for the HTTP basic authentication for this port.

Basic authentication password

The password for the HTTP basic authentication for this port.

Related concepts
HTTP basic authentication
Transport level security

Related tasks
Securing Web services for version 5.x applications based on WS-Security

Searchable topic ID: uwbs_transbasicauth