Generic JMS connection factory settings


Generic JMS connection factory settings

Use this panel to browse or change the configuration properties of the selected JMS connection factory for use with the associated generic JMS provider. These configuration properties control how connections are created to the JMS destinations on the provider.

A JMS connection factory is used to create connections to JMS destinations. The JMS connection factory is created by the associated JMS provider. To view this page, use the administrative console to complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, expand Resources > JMS Providers > Generic.

  2. In the content pane, click the name of the messaging provider that you want to support the JMS connection factory.

  3. If appropriate, in the content pane, change the scope of the generic messaging provider.

  4. Under Additional Properties, click JMS connection factories .

  5. Click the name of the JMS connection factory that you want to work with.

A JMS connection factory for a generic JMS provider (other than the default messaging provider or WebSphere MQ as a JMS provider) has the following properties:


The name by which this JMS connection factory is known for administrative purposes within IBM WebSphere Application Server. The name must be unique within the associated messaging provider.

Data type String


Whether this connection factory is for creating JMS queue destinations or JMS topic destinations. Select one of the following options:


A JMS queue connection factory for point-to-point messaging.


A JMS topic connection factory for publish/subscribe messaging.

JNDI name

The JNDI name that is used to bind the connection factory into the WebSphere Application Server name space.

As a convention, use the fully qualified JNDI name; for example, in the form jms/Name, where Name is the logical name of the resource.

This name is used to link the platform binding information. The binding associates the resources defined by the deployment descriptor of the module to the actual (physical) resources bound into JNDI by the platform.

Data type String


A description of this connection factory for administrative purposes within IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Data type String
Default Null


A category used to classify or group this connection factory, for your IBM WebSphere Application Server administrative records.

Data type String

External JNDI name

The JNDI name that is used to bind the connection factory into the name space of the generic messaging provider.

As a convention, use the fully qualified JNDI name; for example, in the form jms/Name, where Name is the logical name of the resource.

This name is used to link the platform binding information. The binding associates the resources defined by the deployment descriptor of the module to the actual (physical) resources bound into JNDI by the platform.

Data type String

Component-managed Authentication Alias

This alias specifies a user ID and password to be used to authenticate connection to a JMS provider for application-managed authentication.

This property provides a list of the J2C authentication data entry aliases that have been defined to WebSphere Application Server. You can select a data entry alias to be used to authenticate the creation of a new connection to the JMS provider.

If you have enabled global security for WebSphere Application Server, select the alias that specifies the user ID and password used to authenticate the creation of a new connection to the JMS provider. The use of this alias depends on the resource authentication (res-auth) setting declared in the connection factory resource reference of an application component's deployment descriptors.

Container-managed Authentication Alias

This alias specifies a user ID and password to be used to authenticate connection to a JMS provider for container-managed authentication.

This property provides a list of the J2C authentication data entry aliases that have been defined to WebSphere Application Server. You can select a data entry alias to be used to authenticate the creation of a new connection to the JMS provider.

If you have enabled global security for WebSphere Application Server, select the alias that specifies the user ID and password used to authenticate the creation of a new connection to the JMS provider. The use of this alias depends on the resource authentication (res-auth) setting declared in the connection factory resource reference of an application component's deployment descriptors.

Connection pool

Specifies an optional set of connection pool settings.

Connection pool properties are common to all J2C connectors.

The application server pools connections and sessions with the messaging provider to improve performance. You need to configure the connection and session pool properties appropriately for your applications, otherwise you may not get the connection and session behavior that you want.

Change the size of the connection pool if concurrent server-side access to the JMS resource exceeds the default value. The size of the connection pool is set on a per queue or topic basis.

Session pool

An optional set of session pool settings.

This link provides a panel of optional connection pool properties, common to all J2C connectors.

The application server pools connections and sessions with the messaging provider to improve performance. You need to configure the connection and session pool properties appropriately for your applications, otherwise you may not get the connection and session behavior that you want.

Custom properties

An optional set of name and value pairs for custom properties passed to the messaging provider.

Configuration tab


The level to which this resource definition is visible to applications.

Resources such as messaging providers, namespace bindings, or shared libraries can be defined at multiple scopes, with resources defined at more specific scopes overriding duplicates which are defined at more general scopes.

The scope displayed is for information only, and cannot be changed on this panel. If you want to browse or change this resource (or other resources) at a different scope, change the scope on the messaging provider settings panel, then click Apply , before clicking the link for the type of resource.

Data type String

Mapping-Configuration Alias

The module used to map authentication aliases.

This field provides a list of the modules that have been configured on the Global Security > JAAS Configuration > Application Logins Configuration property. For more information about the mapping configurations, see Java Authentication and Authorization service configuration entry settings.

Data type Enum
Default Null


The client container maps authentication aliases.


The WSLogin module maps authentication aliases.


The JAAS configuration maps an authentication alias to its userid and password.

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Configuring a JMS connection factory, generic JMS provider

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Searchable topic ID: umj_pjcfp