Frequently asked questions about Web services


Frequently asked questions about Web services

This topic presents frequently asked questions about Web services that are developed and implemented based on the Web Services for Java 2 Platform,
Enterprise Edition (J2EE) specification.

What IBM development tools work with Web Services that are developed based on the Web Services for J2EE specification?

The assembly tools, Application Server Toolkit (AST) and Rational Web Developer, provide a graphical interface for developing code artifacts, assembling the code artifacts into various archives (modules) and configuring related Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Version 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4 compliant deployment descriptors.

Is Web Services for J2EE technology part of the J2EE specification?

WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 is based on J2EE 1.4. For WebSphere Application Server Version 5.0.2 and Version 5.1.x, the Web Services for J2EE Version 1.0 specification is an addition to J2EE 1.3. The J2EE specification 1.4 requires support for Web Services for J2EE Version 1.1. Minor differences exist between the J2EE 1.3 Version (JSR-109 Version 1.0) and the J2EE 1.4 Version (JSR-109 Version 1.1).

What is the relationship between the Web Services for J2EE specification and the Web Service Invocation Framework (WSIF)?

Web Services for J2EE and WSIF represent two different programming models for accessing Web services. Web Services for J2EE is standard, Java-centric, and more statically bound to Web Services Description Language (WSDL) documents because of the use of generated stubs. WSIF directly models WSDL. WSIF is more suitable when dynamically interpreting WSDL. WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 leverages both technologies to achieve dynamic, high performing standards-based Web services implementations.

What is the relationship between Apache SOAP 2.3 and the Web Services for J2EE specification?

The development and implementation of a Web service in V6.x is based on the Web Services for J2EE specification. You are encouraged to migrate from Apache SOAP because this approach is not recommended for future releases. For information about migrating your Apache SOAP Web services, see Migrating Apache SOAP Web services to Web Services for J2EE standards.

What standards does the Web Services for J2EE component of WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 support?The following standards are supported by the Web Services for J2EE component of WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0:

Does the Web Services for J2EE technology interoperate with other SOAP implementations, like .NET?

WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 supports Web services that are consistent with the WS-I Basic Profile 1.0, and should interoperate with any other vendor conforming to this specification.

Can I use a JavaBeans component to implement a Web service using SOAP Java Message Service (JMS) invocation?

The SOAP and JMS support uses message-driven beans (MDB) to implement the JMS endpoint. You can use MDBs in the EJB container and delegated to an enterprise bean. If you want to use a JavaBeans instead of an enterprise bean to implement the service endpoint, create a facade enterprise bean that delegates to the JavaBeans implementation.

Does the SOAP and JMS support interoperate with other vendors?

No. Currently no specification exists for SOAP and JMS invocationss, therefore each vendor chooses an implementation technique.

How does two-way messaging with a SOAP and JMS implementation work? Can it support multiple clients making simultaneous requests?

Before a client issues a two-way request, it creates a temporary JMS queue to receive the response. This temporary queue is specified as the replyTo destination that is in the outgoing JMS request message. After the server processes the request, it directs the response to the replyTo destination specified in the request message. The client deletes the temporary queue after the response is received. The server can handle simultaneous requests from multiple clients because each incoming request message contains the destination to which the reply is sent.

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