Extensions to data access APIs


Extensions to data access APIs

Applications can access the backend data through the standard J2EE 1.4 defined application programming interfaces (APIs). The standard APIs, however, do not always provide a complete solution for an application that runs in an application server. In some cases the JDBC programming model does not completely integrate with the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) (even though full integration is a foundation of the JCA specification). These inconsistencies can limit data access options for an application that uses both APIs. WebSphere Application Server provides API extensions to resolve the compatibility issues.

For example:

Without the benefit of an extension, applications using both APIs cannot modify the properties of a shareable connection after making the connection request, if other handles exist for that connection. (If no other handles are associated with the connection, then the connection properties can be altered.) This limitation stems from an incompatibility between the connection-configuration policies of the APIs:

The J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) specification supports relaying to the resource adapter the specific properties settings at the time you request the connection (using the getConnection() method) by passing in a ConnectionSpec object. The ConnectionSpec object contains the necessary connection properties used to get a connection. After you obtain a connection from this environment, your application does not need to alter the properties. The JDBC programming model, however, does not have the same interface to specify the connection properties. Instead, it gets the connection first, then sets the properties on the connection.

WebSphere Application Server provides the following extensions to fill in such gaps between the JDBC and JCA specifications:

Example: Accessing data using IBM extended APIs for connections
Example: Accessing data using IBM extended APIs to share connections between container-managed and bean-managed persistence beans

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Resource adapter

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