Errors setting up multiserver environments

Errors setting up multiserver environments

Use this information to troubleshoot problems with setting up multiserver environments. What kind of problem are you seeing?

If none of these problem solution descriptions fixes your problem:

  1. Browse the logs of the problem deployment manager and applications servers.

    View the JVM logs.

    1. Look up any error messages by selecting the Reference view of the information center navigation and expanding Messages in the navigation tree.

    2. Use the Log Analyzer to browse and analyze the service log (activity.log) of the deployment manager and any nodes encountering problems. View the activity.log files in both NetworkDeployment_install_root/logs and ApplicationServer_install_root/logs.

    3. If Java exceptions are displayed in the log files, try to determine the actual subcomponent directly involved in the problem by examining the
      trace stack and looking for a WebSphere Application Server-related class near the top of the stack (names beginning with or that created the exception. If appropriate, review the steps for troubleshooting the appropriate subcomponent in the Troubleshooting by component: what is not working? topic.

      For example, if the exception seems to be created by a class in the package, review the Naming services component troubleshooting tips topic.

  2. Ensure that all the machines in your configuration have TCP/IP connectivity to each other by running the ping command:

    1. From each physical server to the deployment manager

    2. From the deployment manager to each physical server

  3. Although the problem is occurring in a clustered environment, the actual cause might be indirectly related, or unrelated to clustering. Investigate all relevant possibilities:

    1. If an enterprise bean on one or more servers is not serving requests, review the Cannot access an enterprise bean from a servlet, a JSP file, a stand-alone program, or another client and Cannot look up an object hosted by WebSphere Application Server from a servlet, JSP file, or other client topics.

    2. If problems seem to occur after enabling security, review the Access problems after enabling security topic.

    3. If an application server stops responding to request, or spontaneously fails (its process closes), review the Web module or application server stops processing requests topic.

    4. If SOAP requests are not served by some servers, review the Errors returned to a client sending a SOAP request topic.

    5. If you have problems installing or deploying an application on servers on one or more nodes, review the Errors or problems deploying, installing, or promoting applications topic.

  4. If your topology consists of a Windows-based deployment manager with UNIX-based servers, browse any recently-updated .xml and .policy files on the UNIX-based platform using the vi editor to ensure that Control-M characters are not present in the files. Edit these files using the vi editor on the UNIX-based platform, to avoid inserting these characters.

  5. Check the steps for troubleshooting the workload management component.

  6. Check to see if the problem is identified and documented by looking at available online support (hints and tips, technotes, and fixes).

When trying to create a new profile in a mixed cell environment, a mismatch of templates can occur

This problem occurs because profile templates are not updated when a version 6.0.x fixpack is applied on top of version 6.0.x of WebSphere Application Server. To Lift restrictions on a mixed cell environment, you can run a command from the bin directory of the WebSphere Application Server installation root to update the profile. For the Windows platform, issue the following command, which uses C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer for the default installation root:

app_server_root\bin\ws_ant.bat -buildfile updateNDProfileTemplates.xml

For UNIX and Linux platforms, issue the following commands.

For non-AIX platforms, the default installation root is /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer.

For AIX platforms, the default installation root is /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer.

    • For non-AIX platforms issue the following command:

    • For AIX issue the following command:


  2. app_server_root/bin/ws_ant -buildfile updateNDProfileTemplates.xml

After creating and starting a cluster, the cluster does not start, and logs show that servers in the cluster are not found

This error can occur when the configuration is not synchronized from the deployment manager to a node. If auto synchronization is enabled, wait until the synchronization has run. If you are using manual synchronization, explicitly request a synchronization to each node on the cluster.

To determine whether synchronization has occurred, look at the configuration on the node machines using the administrative console and verify that the new cluster members are defined on each node.

One or more nodes do not display in the administrative consoleThis problem can occur when a basic connectivity problem exists between the deployment manager server and other servers in the topology. Look for the serverindex.xml file in the deployment manager directory structure:

The addNode command fails

This error can occur when the deployment manager Domain Name Server (DNS) configuration is set up improperly. The default installation on Linux systems uses the loopback address ( as the default host address. To verify this problem, query the host name of the suspect machine. If the query returns localhost, or if the file transfer traces at the node show that the node is trying to upload files to a Web address that includes, the node has an incorrect DNS configuration.

To correct this problem, update the /etc/hosts file or the name service configuration file, /etc/nsswitch.conf, to query the Domain Name Server or Network Information Server (NIS) before searching hosts.

Application files are not present on all nodes

In the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment environment, application binary files are transferred to the individual nodes where applications are supported as part of the node synchronization operation. During node synchronization, application files are only propagated if their deployment descriptors specify enableDistribution=true. This flag is specified as part of the application installation procedure in the administrative console, and is stored as a property in the app_server_root/config/cells/cell_name/applications/application_name/deployment.xml file.

To confirm this problem, check to see whether the enableDistribution flag is set. If it is already set to true, ensure that the target node is configured to run auto file synchronization.

If both of these settings are correct and the problem persists, manually perform a synchronization. If the application files still do not display in the installation directory, use the EARExpander tool in app_server_root/bin directory to expand the EAR file from the repository to the installation destination. On remote nodes, the repository displays in the config/cells/cell_name/applications/application_name.ear/ directory.

After downloading the Network Deployment plug-in to my system, my server does not start

If you experience this situation, the most likely cause is that the transport paths in the plug-in must be modified to work in your environment. See the Example: Manually editing transport settings in the server.xml file topic for information on how to modify these settings.

In a clustered environment, a server with debug mode enabled does not startThis problem occurs when the following three conditions exist:

The server does not start because multiple servers processes running on the same physical host machine with debug enabled cannot use the same debug port. To correct this problem, for each server:

  1. On the administrative console click Server > Application servers > server_name > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.

  2. Update the debug argument so that the address of the debug port (address=port number) is unique for each server process.


Related tasks

Troubleshooting by component

Related reference

Workload is not getting distributed
Workload management component troubleshooting tips

Searchable topic ID: rtrb_multprobs