Errors after enabling security

Errors after enabling security

Use this information if you are experiencing errors after security is enabled. What kind of error are you seeing?

For general tips on diagnosing and resolving security-related problems, see the topic Troubleshooting the security component.


Authentication error accessing a Web page

Possible causes for authentication errors include:

If the user registry configuration, user ID, and password appear correct, use the WebSphere Application Server trace to determine the cause of the problem. To enable security trace, use the*=all=enabled trace specification.


Authorization error accessing a Web page

If a user who is supposed to have access to a resource does not, a configuration step is probably missing. Review Assignin_users_to_administrator_roles.html. Specifically:

If the user is granted required roles, but still fails to access the secured resources, enable security trace, using*=all=enabled as the trace specification. Collect trace information for further resolution.


Error Message: CWSCJ0314E: Current Java 2 security policy reported a potential violation on server

If you find errors on your server similar to:

Error Message: CWSCJ0314E: Current Java 2 Security policy reported a potential violation of 
Java 2 Security Permission. Please refer to Problem Determination Guide for further information.
{0}Permission/:{1}Code/:{2}{3}Stack Trace/:{4}Code Base Location/:{5}
The Java security manager checkPermission method has reported a SecurityException exception .

The reported exception might be critical to the secure system. Turn on security trace to determine the potential code that might have violated the security policy. Once the violating code is determined, verify if the attempted operation is permitted with respect to Java 2 Security, by examining all applicable Java 2 security policy files and the application code. A more detailed report is enabled by either configuring RAS trace into debug mode, or specifying a Java property.

For a review of Java security policies, see the Java 2 Security documentation at Tip: If the application is running with a Java Mail application programming interface (API), this message might be benign. You can update the installed
Enterprise Application root
/META-INF/was.policy file to grant the following permissions to the application:


Error message: CWMSG0508E: The JMS Server security service was unable to authenticate user ID:" error displayed in SystemOut.log when starting an application server

This error can result from installing the Java Message Service (JMS) API sample and then enabling security. You can follow the instructions in the Configure and Run page of the corresponding JMS sample documentation to configure the sample to work with WebSphere Application Server security.

You can verify the installation of the message-driven bean sample by launching the installation program, selecting Custom, and browsing the components which are already installed in the Select the features you like to install panel. The JMS sample is shown as Message-Driven Bean Sample, under Embedded Messaging.

You can also verify this installation by using the administrative console to open the properties of the application server that contains the samples. Select MDBSamples and click uninstall.


Error message: CWSCJ0237E: One or more vital LTPAServerObject configuration attributes are null or not available after enabling security and starting the application server.

This error message can result from selecting LTPA as the authentication mechanism, but not generating the LTPA keys. The LTPA keys encrypt the LTPA token.

To resolve this problem:

  1. Click Security > Secure administration, applications and infrastructure> Authentication > Authentication mechanisms and expiration> LTPA

  2. Enter a password, which can be anything.

  3. Enter the same password in Confirm Password.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. Click Generate Keys.

  6. Click Save.


The AccessControlException exception, is reported in the SystemOut.log

The problem is related to the Java 2 security feature of WebSphere Application Server, the API-level security framework that is implemented in WebSphere Application Server. An exception similar to the following example displays. The error message and number can vary.

CWSRV0020E: [Servlet Error]-[validator]: Failed to load servlet: access denied 

app_server_root/installedApps/server1/adminconsole.ear/adminconsole.war/ WEB-INF/validation.xml read)
CWSRV0020E: [Servlet Error]-[validator]: Failed to load servlet: access denied 

app_server_root/systemApps/isclite.ear/isclite.war/WEB-INF/validation.xml read)

For an explanation of Java 2 security, how and why to enable or disable it, how it relates to policy files, and how to edit policy files, see the Java 2 security topic in the information center navigation. The topic explains that Java 2 security is not only used by this product, but developers can also implement it for their business applications. Administrators might need to involve developers, if this exception is created when a client tries to access a resource that is hosted by WebSphere Application Server.

Possible causes of these errors include:

To resolve these problems:

Tip: If the application is running with the Java Mail API, you can update the installed Enterprise Application root/META-INF/was.policy file to grant the following permissions to the application:


Error Message: CWSCJ0336E: Authentication failed for user {0} because of the following exception {1}

This error message results if the user ID that is indicated is not found in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) user registry. To resolve this problem:

  1. Verify that your user ID and password are correct.

  2. Verify that the user ID exists in the registry.

  3. Verify that the base distinguished name (DN) is correct.

  4. Verify that the user filter is correct.

  5. Verify that the bind DN and the password for the bind DN are correct. If the bind DN and password are not specified, add the missing information and retry.

  6. Verify that the host name and LDAP type are correct.
Consult with the administrator of the user registry if the problem persists.


Related tasks

Troubleshooting by component
Troubleshooting security configurations

Related reference

Access problems after enabling security

Searchable topic ID: rtrb_secprobs2