Use this page to configure the encryption and decryption parameters.
The specifications that are listed on this page for the signature method, digest method, and canonicalization method are located in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) document entitled, XML Encryption Syntax and Processing: W3C Recommendation 10 Dec 2002. To view this administrative console page, complete the following steps:
The name of the key locator configuration that retrieves the key for XML digital signature and XML encryption.
The name that is used to reference the key locator.
You can configure these key locator reference options on the cell level, the server level, and the application level. The configurations that are listed in the field are a combination of the configurations on these three levels. To configure the key locators on the cell level, complete the following steps:
The name of the encryption key that is resolved to the actual key by the specified key locator.
Data type | String |
The algorithm uniform resource identifier (URI) of the key encryption method. The following algorithms are supported:
To use this algorithm, download the unrestricted Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) policy file.
To use this algorithm, download the unrestricted Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) policy file.
By default, the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) is shipped with restricted or limited strength ciphers. To use 192-bit and 256- bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithms, apply unlimited jurisdiction policy files.
For WebSphere Application Server for OS/400 and the IBM Java Developer Kit Version 1.4, no tuning of Web services security is required. The unrestricted jurisdiction policy files for the IBM Java Developer Kit 1.4 are automatically configured when the WebSphere Application Server for OS/400 prerequisite software products are installed.
The algorithm Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) of the data encryption method. The following algorithms are supported:
By default, the JCE ships with restricted or limited strength ciphers. To use 192-bit and 256- bit AES encryption algorithms, apply unlimited jurisdiction policy files. For more information, see the Key encryption algorithm field description.
Related reference
Encryption information collection
Key locator collection
Searchable topic ID: uwbs_encryptrsb