Editing application configurations with the wsadmin tool


Editing application configurations with the wsadmin tool

Before starting this task, the wsadmin tool must be running. See the Starting the wsadmin scripting client article for more information.

  1. Edit the entire application or a single application module. Use one of the following commands:

    • The following command uses the installed application and the command option information to edit the application:

      • Using Jacl:
        $AdminApp edit appname {options}

      • Using Jython list:
        AdminApp.edit('appname', ['options'])

      • Using Jython string:
        AdminApp.edit('appname', '[options]')


      $ is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
      AdminApp is an object allowing application objects management
      edit is an AdminApp command
      appname is the name of application or application module to edit. For the application module name, use the module name returned from listModules command as the value.
      {options} is a list of edit options and tasks similar to the ones for the install command

    • The following command changes the application information by prompting you through a series of editing tasks:

      • Using Jacl:
        $AdminApp editInteractive appname

      • Using Jython:


      $ is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
      AdminApp is an object allowing application objects management
      editInteractive is an AdminApp command
      appname is the name of application or application module to edit. For the application module name, use the module name returned from listModules command as the value.

  2. Save the configuration changes. See the Saving configuration changes with the wsadmin tool article for more information.

  3. In a network deployment environment only, synchronize the node. See the Synchronizing nodes with the wsadmin tool article for more information.

Related concepts
AdminApp object for scripted administration

Related reference
Commands for the AdminApp object