EJB query: BNF syntax


EJB query: BNF syntax

EJB QL ::= [select_clause] from_clause [where_clause] [order_by_clause]
DYNAMIC EJB QL :=select_clause_dynamic from_clause [where_clause]
   [group_by_clause] [having_clause] [order_by_clause]
from_clause::=FROM identification_variable_declaration 
identification_variable_declaration::=collection_member_declaration |
     IN ( collection_valued_path_expression ) [AS] identifier
range_variable_declaration::=abstract_schema_name [AS] identifier
single_valued_path_expression ::=
      {single_valued_navigation | identification_variable}. ( cmp_field |   
             method  |  cmp_field.value_object_attribute |  cmp_field.value_object_method )
       | single_valued_navigation
       identification_variable.[  single_valued_cmr_field.  ]* 
collection_valued_path_expression ::=
       identification_variable.[  single_valued_cmr_field.  ]* 
select_clause::= SELECT { ALL | DISTINCT }  {single_valued_path_expression |
                         identification_variable |  OBJECT ( identification_variable) |
          aggregate_functions }
select_clause_dynamic ::= SELECT { ALL | DISTINCT }  [ selection , ]*  selection
selection  ::= { expression |  subselect } [[AS] id ]  
order_by_clause::= ORDER BY [ {single_valued_path_expression | integer}  [ASC|DESC],]*
      {single_valued_path_expression | integer}[ASC|DESC]
where_clause::= WHERE conditional_expression
conditional_expression ::= conditional_term | 
                           conditional_expression OR conditional_term
conditional_term ::= conditional_factor | 
                     conditional_term AND conditional_factor
conditional_factor ::= [NOT] conditional_primary
conditional_primary::=simple_cond_expression | (conditional_expression)
simple_cond_expression ::= comparison_expression | between_expression | 
       like_expression | in_expression | null_comparison_expression |
       empty_collection_comparison_expression | quantified_expression |
       exists_expression | is_of_type_expression  |  collection_member_expression
between_expression ::= expression [NOT] BETWEEN expression AND expression
in_expression ::= single_valued_path_expression [NOT] IN 
           { (subselect) |  ( atom ,]* atom) }
atom = { string-literal | numeric-constant | input-parameter }
like_expression ::= expression [NOT] LIKE 
                {string_literal | input_parameter} 
                [ESCAPE {string_literal | input_parameter}]
null_comparison_expression ::= 
       single_valued_path_expression IS [ NOT ] NULL
empty_collection_comparison_expression ::=
       collection_valued_path_expression IS [NOT] EMPTY
collection_member_expression  ::=
       { single_valued_path_expression |  input_paramter }  [ NOT ] MEMBER [ OF ]
quantified_expression ::=
       expression comparison_operator  {SOME | ANY | ALL} (subselect)
exists_expression ::= EXISTS {collection_valued_path_expression |  (subselect)}
subselect ::= SELECT [{ ALL | DISTINCT }]  expression  from_clause [where_clause] 
       [group_by_clause] [having_clause]
group_by_clause::= GROUP BY [single_valued_path_expression,]*
having_clause ::= HAVING conditional_expression
is_of_type_expression ::= identifier  IS OF TYPE
            ([[ONLY] abstract_schema_name,]* [ONLY] abstract_schema_name)
comparison_expression ::=  expression   comparison_operator { expression |  ( subquery ) }
comparison_operator ::=    = | > | >= | < | <= | <>
method ::=  method_name( [[expression , ]* expression ] )
expression ::= term |   expression {+|-} term
term ::=  factor |  term {*|/} factor
factor ::= {+|-} primary
primary ::= single_valued_path_expression | literal |
       ( expression ) |  input_parameter | functions | aggregate_functions
aggregate_functions :=
   AVG([ALL|DISTINCT] expression) |
   COUNT({[ALL|DISTINCT] expression |*| identification_variable }) |
   MAX([ALL|DISTINCT] expression) |
   MIN([ALL|DISTINCT] expression) |
   SUM([ALL|DISTINCT] expression) |
functions ::=
        ABS(expression) | 
        AVG([ALL|DISTINCT] expression) |
        BIGINT(expression) |
        CHAR({expression [,{ISO|USA|EUR|JIS}] )  |
        CONCAT (expression , expression ) |
        COUNT({[ALL|DISTINCT] expression | *}) |
        DATE(expression) |
        DAY({expression ) |
        DAYS( expression) |
        DECIMAL( expression [,integer[,integer]])
        DIGITS( expression) |
        DOUBLE( expression ) |
        FLOAT( expression) |
        HOUR ( expression ) |
        INTEGER( expression ) |
        LCASE ( expression) |
        LENGTH(expression) |
        LOCATE( expression, expression [, expression] ) |
        MAX([ALL|DISTINCT] expression) |
        MICROSECOND( expression ) |
        MIN([ALL|DISTINCT] expression) |
        MINUTE ( expression ) |
        MOD (expression, expression) |
        MONTH( expression ) |
        REAL( expression) |
        SECOND( expression ) |
        SMALLINT( expression )  |
        SQRT (  expression) |
        SUBSTRING( expression, expression[, expression]) |
        SUM([ALL|DISTINCT] expression) |
        TIME( expression ) |
        TIMESTAMP( expression ) |
        UCASE ( expression) |
        YEAR( expression )

Related concepts
EJB query language

Related tasks
Using EJB query