Dynamic groups and nested group support


Dynamic groups and nested group support

Dynamic and nested groups simplify WebSphere Application Server security management and increase its effectiveness and flexibility. Dynamic groups contain a group name and membership criteria:

Nested groups enable the creation of hierarchical relationships that are used to define inherited group membership. A nested group is defined as a child group entry whose distinguished name (DN) is referenced by a parent group entry attribute.

You only need to assign a larger group if all nested groups share the same privilage. Assigning a role to a single parent group simplifies the run-time authorization table.


Dynamic groups and nested group support for the IBM Tivoli Directory Server

Dynamic and nested group support for the SunONE or iPlanet Directory Server

Related concepts

Locating a user's group memberships in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol user registries

Related tasks
Configuring dynamic and nested group support for the IBM Tivoli Directory Server
Configuring dynamic and nested group support for the SunONE or iPlanet Directory Server
Using specific directory servers as the LDAP server

Searchable topic ID: csec_dynamicnestedgroup